
Luke 8:55

Some folks will be curious. I understand, I’m one of them. Where did this girl’s spirit go while away from her body? And would she have remembered? And, why was she hungry?
The simple answer is that we don’t know. But, based on what we do know, there are some good guesses. Her spirit was likely in a place the Jews would have called ‘Abraham’s Bosom’. This was a division of Sheol or Hades, the abode of the dead, where righteous souls awaited judgment. And, no she very likely didn’t remember it afterwards.
As far as the hunger situation goes, I think it is quite likely that malnutrition could have contributed to her condition. This is not to say that Jairus and his wife were bad parents. In that time, though, things like dehydration and lack of needed vitamins and so forth was not well understood. 
Heavenly Father, thank You for caring for us. We see death and destruction in this life and we want to blame someone. And often we blame You. Help us to see that it is Your intention for us to wonder why. You want us to seek to understand. Your desire is for us to know the truth about sin and its consequences. To let us live in this state of anxious trouble without giving us the truth would be horrific. But, You have given us the truth. You have revealed Yourself. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen. 

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