Mark 7:29

Mark 7:29
   Because this that she had said revealed her faith, her daughter was delivered. Often as we read this story we focus very much on this woman’s faith. And that’s good, because it is indeed a remarkable story, and helps us understand that faith is important. But, I’ve also noticed another very interesting thing here, which has to do with Jesus’ power. Jesus was able to remove the demonic influence from this woman’s daughter without even being physically anywhere close to her. He did not have to speak to the demon, he did not have to command the demon anything, he simply said the demon is gone out of her.
   When it comes to demonic influence, we often think that we must do something very noticeable, something very visible in order for demons to leave someone. But I think that this mitigates against that. The Lord can deliver someone from the devil’s influence without a Christian standing right in front of them and commanding the demon to leave. Sometimes just the influence of Christians who love and care for someone can cause the devil’s hand to be removed from them. We will not know until we reach glory how many times the influence of a Christian friend has delivered someone from the power of Satan.

Psalm 49:1-54:7

James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Heavenly Father, I find myself so often thanking you for telling us the truth. Our enemy, the devil, always wants to tell us a lie. Yet, so often we let him. The truth is always going to be good for us. Even if we don’t like it, or if it seems not to make sense to us, it’s what’s best. Thank you for always doing what’s best for us. Even when we don’t want it, you are faithful to us. Your mercy is great, your grace is amazing, and your love is absolute. Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ! In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Pray for a missionary from Togo.

Journal 15269

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