3: The scribes were doctors of the law. The chief priests were evidently those chosen to be in the Sanhedrin. The elders were Hebrew civil magistrates. Thus all three made up more or less the whole of the Great Sanhedrin, which was the ruling body of the Jews at that time. The meeting was held in the house of the high priest. It must be understood that this was a secret meeting. They did not normally meet in this location for official business. Caiaphas, or Joseph Caiaphas, was the high priest at that time.
4: This consultation could not be considered legal. However, they were masters of trickery. Indeed, in that political climate, with the office of the high priest controlled by the Roman government, corruption was the name of the game. Subtlety here refers not to tricking Jesus, but to taking him without being noticed.
5: The desire of the religious leaders was to avoid taking action during the feast for fear of an uprising. This could cause political trouble for them and upset the balance of things. Yet, as Jesus had already stated to his disciples, God’s plan was different.
Author: Bill Hall
Matthew 26:1-2
1: Jesus completed the Olivet Discourse and turned to the prediction of events sooner in God’s timetable.
2: According to Jesus, it was at that time two days until the passover. This places the statement he makes on Wednesday, April 1st, A.D. 33, the 12th of Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. This was well known to the disciples. He then tells them that he, the Son of man, would be betrayed to be crucified. The implication was that this would occur during the following two days. And, indeed it did. In other words, Jesus predicted his betrayal by Judas before Judas or the Jewish leaders had as of yet made their plans.
Matthew 25:42-46
42-44: The answer of the goats quickly shows two things. First, they have absolutely no idea what Jesus is talking about. This would be consistent with those who are influenced by the antichrist. They would have no cause to see Christ in need because they would have no cause to see the true Christ at all. Second, these people will be altogether unaware of this passage, or they will at the very least be totally confused as to its meaning.
45: Jesus mentions the ‘least’ of his brethren. What is the meaning of this? In many cases it may be Jewish children that are escaped and stand in need. In other cases it may be those who are alone, injured, ill, or otherwise handicapped in some way. This is not to say that Jesus sees them as somehow less important, but that in men’s eyes, these will be inconsequential persons.
46: Many have attempted to modify the meaning here of ‘everlasting’ torment. It cannot be changed without changing the intended meaning of the original. The everlasting conscious existence of the soul is nowhere specifically disputed in scripture. The goats ‘go away’ into torment. The sheep enter into eternal life by renaming on earth to enter into the earthly millennial reign of Christ.
Obadiah 1:10-14
10: Violence here is a very strong word used to solicit a strong reaction to those who would commit such atrocity against a brother. This brings great shame upon an otherwise proud people. They have been cut off in that there is not an Edomite (Idumaean) national presence today.
11: The Edomites took sides with the Babylonians. The casting of lots here referred to was common in ancient times. They would have cast lots to determine the extent and direction of their conquest, or to divide the spoils. The Edomites were right there with them.
12: Beginning in this verse, Obadiah lists seven things that Edom ‘should not’ have done. First, they should not gloat over the Jews as they were being alienated from their own land. Second, they should not have had a celebration when Jacob was defeated. Third, they should not have taken the opportunity to boast.
13: Fourth, they should not have invaded Judah’s territory. Fifth, they should have taken no pleasure in the pain of their brothers, or enjoyed taking their stuff.
14: Sixth, they should never have acted as guards for the enemy, to ensure complete victory over their own kin. Finally, they should not have snitched on those who had escaped from the foe.
Matthew 25:40-41
40: The big issue which comes immediately to the forefront here is works-based salvation. Jesus commends the sheep for what they have done and says nothing of what they have believed. Does this prove that salvation is by works alone? Notice what is said. These works are done for Jewish people in the time of their greatest trouble. Doing a work for one of them at that time will be the greatest indication of belief that could be conceived. None in that day would dare help his people who are not truly saved individuals.
This is different from the present time. Those who helped the Jews escape from the terrors of the Nazi executors did not automatically win for themselves eternal life. Although that was a great and good thing to do, the action itself could not prove a person’s devotion to Christ. During this future time, however, the man of sin, the antichrist, will be in greater power than old Hitler ever could have hoped to achieve. In that day, to refuse his authority and opt out of his kingdom on this earth will be deadly. Those who do so will be seen as mad men. Those who do so can only be children of God. Only that could motivate a person to make such a deadly choice. Only that will cause them to help the Jews against the wishes of the antichrist.
41: This makes sense then of his condemnation of the goats. Jesus is a good judge, not some kind of damnation-loving sicko. Those who throw in with the antichrist in the tribulation period will have no doubt that they are doing so against the wishes of the biblical Jesus, and the biblical Father. But, they will be willing to give their allegiance to a pretender. The antichrist will be seen as the holder of the christ-spirit, the greatest manifestation of the cosmic oneness, the reincarnation of every great and good person that men care to worship. He will be the ultimate phony.
Matthew 25:37-39
37-39: How could it be that the sheep would be unaware of their actions? This question has two explanations. First, true saints of any age are unassuming in their service to God. They do not give their alms to be seen. They serve the Lord because it is the right thing to do, and because they love him who first loved us. Second, these gentile people are saved after the rapture of the church. They live during the tribulation period. Satan’s success in twisting and confusing the word of God will be at its all-time high. These Christians may, in many cases, be totally unaware of this passage of Scripture at the time of their service. One may be saved without being familiar with the entirety of the Bible.
Matthew 25:33-36
33: Jesus sets the sheep on his right hand because that is a place of honor. Those on the right could expect to enter the kingdom. Notice that he makes this division before he announces his judgment.
Matthew 25:31-32
31: The Son of man is, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ. The coming in glory with the angels refers to his second coming. This will occur at the end of the age, which the disciples had asked about. He will be coming to establish his kingdom on earth physically for one thousand years. The throne he occupies will be in Jerusalem. From there he will rule this world.
32: The nations here refered to are the gentile nations. Individual gentiles will then be judged for their fitness to enter the kingdom. This is not the final judgement of the living and dead.