
Mark 14:42
   This shows us that Jesus already knew that Judas was on the way. He gets his disciples going for their own protection. He knew they would forsake him. He got them ready for their flight.

Heavenly Father, your care for us is amazing! You loved us when we were unlovely. You cared for us when we cared not for you. Thank you for salvation in Christ Jesus. We will praise your name for ever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:41
    There are two possible ways to understand this verse. Modern translations make the portion about rest and sleep into a question. So which is it? Is he telling them to go ahead and rest, or asking them if they are still resting? Well, the fact is that if we leave it as him telling them to sleep, the statement basically has the same effect. In either case he expressing his exasperation with them. “Are you still sleeping? That’s enough! The hour has come.” In other words, your sleep is about to come to an end. Or, we can do the other. “Try to sleep and rest now! That’s over. The hour has come.” In either case, then, the Lord is expressing his exasperation with the disciples. He already knew there wasn’t time for them to get a night sleep if they were going to stay with him. He wasn’t going to sleep, that’s for sure. But, sadly, not only did they sleep when he tried to tell them it wasn’t a time for sleep, but they forsook him too.

Heavenly Father, may we always praise you! We want to bring you glory by our actions and attitudes. You are worthy of our best efforts. Even when we think it is time for something else, we will think of you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:40
   Though it is no excuse, it is fine to point out that it was nighttime. Their eyes were heavy because they were tired. Obviously, Jesus wasn’t just interested in them staying awake. He wanted them to be spiritually alert along with him and share in his feelings concerning the seriousness of this time in his life, and theirs.
Heavenly Father, help us to be sensitive to your ways. We tend to think only of ourselves and miss so much. We love you and want to know you well. Thank you for always working to this end in our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:39
   We know that Jesus taught against using repitition in our prayers. So why did he go back to pray the same thing? Well, what Jesus warns us against is meaningless repitition (Matthew 6:7). Repitition can be good if it is meaningful. Jesus repeated his prayer to the Father as he waited for the traitor Judas that he knew was even then on the way to the garden. Repeating the prayer shows the importance of what was being said, and it emphasises his submission to the Father.

Heavenly Father, thank you for helping us know how to talk to you. It is easy for us to get tongue-tied. But your Word shows us that prayer is really a vital line of communication between us and you. We don’t need special words, we just need genuine words. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:38
   We generally assume that Jesus is speaking of his spirit and his flesh here. And that is possible. However, we need to consider the possibility that he is speaking of Peter and the other disciples. Though they would forsake him, this did not prevent him from giving them good advice to the contrary. He taught them to do well, even when he knew they wouldn’t.
   They were willing in their spirit to remain with him no matter what, but in the flesh they were prone to weakness , failure, and disloyalty.

Heavenly Father, you always give us just what we need. As Jesus was showing mankind how to properly submit to your will, he also was warning his disciples about the weakness of the flesh. Thank you for the good instruction we find in your Word! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:37
  The fact that Jesus addresses Peter specifically signifies two things. First, Peter was a leader among the disciples. This had been evidenced before, and became clearer and clearer as events unfolded. Secondly, Jesus is reminding all of them, especially Peter, of their promise to go with him even to death. This is our tendency. When it is time to state our loyalty, we do it readily. But, when the easier trials begin, our true colors show.

Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching us loyalty and faithfulness. Your faithfulness to us so amazing! We will praise you for it every day. How can we praise you enough? The path you set for our feet is the perfect way. Your plans are the best for our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:36
   What are the implications of God the Son asking God the Father to take away this ‘cup’ from him? We understand him to be speaking of the crucifixion. Jesus knew it was the plan. He knew it had been determined from eternity past. He knew it would not be altered. Why then does he ask?
   Here we have Jesus showing us what worship truly means. First, he tells the Father he knows that he can make another way. And then he expresses his own will, and submits it to the will of the Father. These are both acts of worship. He is being our example. He is doing what man should have done it the first garden.
   Adam should have went to the Lord with the whole affair and told him that he wanted that tree for food. And he should have left the choice in the hands of the Father, just as the Son did here.

Heavenly Father, thank you for working with mankind. You could have chosen to give up on us. You could have stopped long ago. You could have forced your will, rather than teaching us to trust you. Your ways are high above our ways and we cannot know all that you do. But, we will trust your goodness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:35
   As in a few other places in scripture we have here a conversation among the Godhead. We see the persons of the Godhead discussing things. Jesus, God the Son, is asking God the Father if there is any other way for the plan for the world to be carried out. This is a great glory to Almighty God in that it shows us he does indeed make decisions regarding what he determines. He does not rule the universe by blind chance. He has a purpose, a plan, an overarching desire for all things. And here we see God the Son talking to God the Father about that plan.

Heavenly Father, thank you for putting things like this in Scripture. It helps us to understand more about you. We might be tempted to think of you as an impersonal force that simply overrides and controls everything. But, scripture reveals to us that you are much more than a force. You are an individual, you are the Triune God. Three persons in one. You are amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:34
   It is difficult for us to accept that Jesus became sad. But, it shouldn’t be. First, we must remember that Jesus is human. He is not human like we are human, but is uniquely human. In fact, as far as the original purpose of humanity goes, he’s more human than we are. He is also, of course, Divine. And so he is a very special human.
   Let us consider the Divine aspect. Can God experience sorrow? Yes, he can. Though some might consider this demeaning to the person of God, the opposite is true. What we must do is not try to define God’s feelings by our measure. Our emotions, and the very capability of having them, is but a shadow of the emotions of Almighty God. In other words, just as the so-called emotions of animals are not quite the same thing as the emotions of humans, our emotions are simple compared to the amazing and beautiful complexity found in the persons of the Godhead.

Heavenly Father, you are the greatest adventure we could ever imagine. To try to understand the intricacies of your great knowledge alone would fill lifetimes. How can we hope to see you rightly? Can we dare to say we know you? Ah, but we can do this and more because you have said we can, and because you have made it possible. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:33
   Human language is hardly sufficient to explain what is being reported by this verse. Jesus was now engaging in a battle of will. He was bringing his will into subjection to the Father. It was the Divine plan that this would take place. He had known from eternity past that this moment would occur. And now he was there. And the time was ready. His hour had arrived.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all that we find in the person of Christ. Even this time of struggle for the Lord Jesus is an example for us. We must bring our will into subjection to you. We must submit and obey. This is the path to joy. This is the way to find rest and peace in your eternal plan. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.