Mark 11:33

Mark 11:33
  This is simply one of the most hilarious verses in Scripture! It brings a smile to my face every time I read it. Unfortunately, we often miss the hilarity.
  Look very closely at what the leaders say to Jesus here. In the Greek we can see that they didn’t just say they couldn’t tell, but that they didn’t know. Really? They could play chess all day long, but tieing thier shoe laces was a different matter indeed! The truth was right before them, but they would have none of it.
  Jesus answers their ignorance by declining to answer their question. As he explained to Nicodemus on another occasion, ignorance of the basics will prevent more learning. He would not give more truth to those who failed to accept what he had given them.

Heavenly Father, help us to see that you have set your truth before us. We may have it and it is good for us. Help us to understand and know that you are ready to teach us if we are ready to learn. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:32

Mark 11:32
The same kind of fear that made them ask this question to begin with now kept them from answering. Jesus had them in a corner. Neither answer would bring any trouble to him. The people would likely not hurt the Jewish leaders, but unpopularity was their great fear.

Heavenly Father, how can we ever thank you enough for your faithfulness? You are always there, and you are always active. You deserve all the credit for what we do, for you make it all possible. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:31

Mark 11:31
There was nothing for it but to answer. Realizing their plan had backfired, they scrambled for a solution. They recognised right away the answer he was looking for, but would not consider it.

Heavenly Father, help us to be sensitive to your truth. We don’t want to miss out because we failed to accept the plain truths of your Word. Thank you for teaching us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:30

Mark 11:30
Why the extra ‘answer me’ at the end? The question was clear enough. However, Jesus adds it on purpose. The religious leaders were pretty shrewd. He didn’t want them to ignore the question. We don’t know the exact situation, but these men may have tried to claim it was only a rhetorical question. This added phase decides against that.

Heavenly Father, thank you for being clear as you communicate to us. We tend to like to twist things. Thank you for the availability of your truth. We don’t have to rely on a religious elite. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:29

Mark 11:29
   Jesus knew their question was singular. He also knew why they had asked it. He understood the danger involved. Now, some may say that his choice to ask them a question in return was a cop-out. Well, it wasn’t. It was a careful avoidance of an eventuality. Eventually, the Jewish leaders would find a way to accuse him. And he already knew that. He just chooses not to allow this to be the occasion for it.
   Answering a question with a question is a clever way to turn the argument around. This question was actually a very good one, and the Jewish leaders were taking a risk by asking it. But, they felt they had no other choice, for Jesus was just too big a threat. Asking a question in response was the best way to avoid the trap that had been laid.

Heavenly Father, thank you for orchestrating everything by your plan. We can see from your Word that there are times that you have your people run from the enemy. Other times they stand before the enemy. And, as here, they sometimes outwit the enemy. In any case, we are in your capable hands. Thank you for your protection! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


A technical malfunction caused yesterday’s post not to get published.

Mark 11:27

Mark 11:27
   Jesus’s visits to Jerusalem had brought much embarrassment to the religious establishment. These came to Jesus because they could see no other choice but to engage their enemy. Good men will always cause this reaction. Often, the results are tragic. But, the fact of the matter is that it is to be expected in a sinful world. When evil men confront the good through no fault of the good, heaven stands in the appropriate location to either ensure the victory or gather the souls of saints among men.
   In this case, these had gatherred for yet more embarrassment. There would, however, come a time that their hour would be given its place. Even then they would discover that death itself is no defeat for Christ and his ‘Christ-ians’. May we never shrink from the response of evil, but work to rescue as many from darkness as we possibly can.

Heavenly Father, you have made it possible for a man to live for good in this wicked world. Thank you for showing us the life of Christ on Earth. It energises us as we try to live for you. It shows us the response of the world and assures us of your support. You deserve the credit because you uphold every good man. Only in Christ may we be found righteous. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:28

Mark 11:28
   These men had come to the point that they weren’t even sure how to ask Jesus a question anymore. They were so afraid he would best them once again. Their two part inquiry is quite redundant as an answer to the one would answer the other. But, alas, their wilfil ignorance made them incapable of asking a proper question in a proper way.
  As for the question itself we can see that it had the tune of legitimacy. But, only if you consider his recent actions in isolation. If one considered the whole of Jesus’s ministry, figuring out where his authority came from  would not be difficult. These leaders, however, were concerned with the opinions of men. More than this, they hoped to trap Christ. If he plainly said he was God in terms that they and the people recognized as such, they would be able to accuse him of blasphemy.

Heavenly Father, open our eyes that we may see the truth in your Word. We don’t want to be deceived by darkness. The darkness is not a necessary dwelling for the children of light. We must live in the light of Christ. You have brought us into your kingdom and you deserve our praise. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:26

Mark 11:26
   Notice if you will that Jesus had already implied this in the previous verse. But he states it very clearly here. And why does he major on this? Becuase it is major! Forgiveness is no light subject. It is absolutely vital that God’s people, of all people, be masters of forgiveness. It is our sacred duty. And God the Father is more than willing to ignore our prayers if we do not understand that.

Heavnely Father, thank you for helping us to understand forgiveness! You communicate the vital things to us. We must not miss the significance of forgiveness. Without it, there is no hope. Your people should be very familiar with it because we have received it first hand from you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 11:25

Mark 11:25
   This is not preached on enough. Prayer is a precious privledge, which can easily be blocked by sin. Though we are not quick to admit it, failure to forgive is sin. Forgiveness should be a significant part of our core values. In fact, forgiveness is a major tool for the progress of the gospel.
   We see here that Jesus says they would stand praying. I do not think we have to take this to mean that standing os the only proper mode for prayer. We find people in Scripture doing other things, such as kneeling or lying down. What we should take from this is that, when possible, prayer should be a focused activity. Though we may often pray while doing something else, it is a necessary habit to just pray, and only pray, on a regular basis. This practice reminds us of the significance, power, and serious nature of prayer.

Heavenly Father, may we have a deep love for forgiveness. To be very forgiving is to be very much like you, for you have forgiven much. We must remind ourselves how great things you have done for us. Your forgiveness has made our lives possible. Without it, judgement would be sure and swift. Thank you for forgiveness in Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.