Mark 6:38

Mark 6:38
   This miracle is often misunderstood because Jesus used existing food and multiplied it. Could he have made bread out of thin air? Certainly. But, he didn’t do it that way. There was a lesson in the method. Indeed, with Jesus there is always a lesson somewhere. He doesn’t do miracles just to do miracles.
   He knew what he was going to do. He knew that he was going to make more than enough bread for all. But, he asks about what they have anyway. He wants to multiply it.

2 Kings 15:1-17:41

James 2:11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the kinship in Christ that we may share with other believers. You know that we need fellowship with our fellows. You know that relationships with other humans is important to us. You know that we crave the companionship of others, in addition to our need for a relationship with you. Thank you for understanding us so well! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a man who has cancer.

Journal 15215

Mark 6:37

Mark 6:37
   The exact ammount here mentioned may have been selected for a couple of reasons. For one, that may be about the amount they had in the bag at the time. For another, it may have been seen as a large amount. In other words, it would be like us saying, ‘all the money I have’ or ‘a million dollars’ trying to emphasize the fact that it was a lot of money. So, the disciples were being sarcastic. They were once again responding with a lack of faith, and an attitude.

2 Kings 12:1-14:29

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Heavenly Father, it is amazing to us that you have chosen to use us as your servants. Rather than having a host of angels proclaim the gospel to the world, you have sent us to be your hands and feet. We are humbled and amazed by your plan. You know the best way to do things. How can we fail to carry out your mission for us? We love you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a man in poor health.

Journal 15214

Mark 6:36

Mark 6:36
   The disciples try to solve the problem. Men are always solving a problem. But, their solution is incomplete. The lateness of the hour would prevent this multitude from successfully securing food that evening. Though many might find food, many would go hungry.

2 Kings 9:1-11:21

James 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Heavenly Father, it is amazing to think that we can know you personally. That is something we would never expect or believe if you had not told us. Knowing you is the most amazing thing we can do with our life. A knowledge of you brings out the best in us. Thank you for your relationship with us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman with ALS.

Journal 15213

Mark 6:35

Mark 6:35
   It was getting late. It is hard to know exactly what time, but the time was late enough that the people would not have been able to get home without risking having to walk in the night.

2 Kings 6:1-8:29

James 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

Heavenly Father, thank you for always caring for us. May we always care for others. So often we fail to show your love to our fellow man. Remind us of the power of your love. Thank you for working in our lives to help us be able to love with your love. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman having a cancer test soon.

Journal 15212

Mark 6:34

Mark 6:34
   This perception on the part of Christ is something that we would not normally think of. We think of ourselves in such an independent light, that we think we need no shepherd. Though individuality is good, ultimately mankind is intended to have a head. There is supposed to be a Guide to show us the right way.

2 Kings 3:1-5:27

James 2:7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your guidance. You lead us every day and want to share your plan with us if we will but hear you. So often we miss the simple path you lay before us because we fail to even consider that you have a plan for our day. We plow ahead without thinking to check with you first. Thank you for caring! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman with lung cancer.

Journal 15211

Mark 6:33

Mark 6:33
   It is amazing to see so many flock to him at this time, and yet he ends up being crucified. Indeed, it is important to understand exactly why the events of the life of Christ lead to the cross. Of course, there are many reasons relating to our salvation, and the universal plan of God. But, here I would highlight the fact that this ignorance, which took hold during Christ’s ministry, was a judgment.
   The Jewish people had rejected the prophets by and large. Thus, when The Prophet comes among them, God allows the same disinterest and rebellion to grow as was the case earlier. Rather than preventing this, God allows the people to make up their mind, once again ultimately making the wrong choice. Lest we run to condemn the Jews, this is the pattern for all of mankind, and the same sort of thing will overtake the Gentiles.

1 Kings 22:1-2 Kings 2:25

James 2:6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?

Heavenly Father, though we know that you are a just and holy God, a study of your love will not keep us from understanding you better. Your love has your justice and holiness within it. Your characteristics cannot be separated. As we ponder the immensity of your compassion and the amazing depth of your care, we learn more of the truth of your justice and the purity of your holiness. Thank you for the wonder of who you are! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a man in the nursing home.

Journal 15210

Mark 6:32

Mark 6:32
   It is not a coincidence that Jesus picked among his disciples men who could handle a ship. He knew what he was doing when he selected them.

1 Kings 20:1-21:29

James 2:5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

Heavenly Father, it is so great to know that your mercy is available no matter what we are going through. We can look to you for forgiveness and renewal. You hold the key to our future. You alone know how tomorrow will turn out. Thank you for your love for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a family that just lost a loved one.

Journal 15209

Mark 6:31

Mark 6:31
   Scoffers might say that Jesus obviously did not know that the crowd would follow him, and that his followers would have no good chance to rest. Ah, but what did it teach his followers, to say that they needed to rest? Do we fail to remember that God rested on the seventh day after his work of creation? Jesus knew they wouldn’t get to rest that day, but he was teaching.
   The course of time is a lesson to us, rather than a limitation of God’s eternal nature. As God, Jesus taught his followers the glory of the rest after a job done in the power of God. It is God who teaches us the need for rest, not simply fatigue. Rest seals the completion of the work. It is as much a glory to Christ for his followers to be told they may rest as it that he gives them power over sickness and the kingdom of darkness.

1 Kings 18:1-19:21

James 2:4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the truth. I find myself thinking this all of the time. We live our lives and think we know so much. But, all the time, there you are with the truth. It never changes, it always is there, right in front of us.Thank you for Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a man who is near to death.

Journal 15208

Mark 6:30

Mark 6:30
   It is very important for Christian ministers to consider the fact that teaching should always accompany our ministry activity. Many times we have ministers who are very busy in ministry, but they never actually pointedly teach anything.
   Though Saint Francis of Assisi says to teach by actions, it seems Jesus would say act and teach. We must get our ideas of ministry from the Lord, and not from man. Lifestyle evangelism only goes so far, sooner or later some very direct, very specific teaching has to take place.

1 Kings 15:1-17:24

James 2:3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:

Heavenly Father, the beauty of your creation reminds us of your artistry. Though many think of you as only very powerful, you are also infinitely creative. The painting of the skies, the beauty of the flowers, the intricacies of the natural world, they are all your great cosmic artwork. How can we fail to see your ability to do things well? And, we know that you will do well with us. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman having trouble with her shoulder.

Journal 15207

Mark 6:29

Mark 6:29
   The ministry of John is highlighted by his followers. We often miss the fact that he was the greatest among the prophets. His greatness is so completely overshadowed by Christ. But, herein lies a lesson. If the greatest of human ministers is overshadowed by the Lord, should not we expect that in every case?

1 Kings 12:1-14:31

James 2:2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;

Heavenly Father, thank you for the good days you give us. So often we tend to complain about the difficulties of life, and fail to see all of the good things you bring into our lives. Every day we realize more and more how merciful you are, and yet every day we learn more of your holiness. The vast riches of your character keep us in awe! Thank you for being so wonderful. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman being tested for cancer.

Journal 15206