Matthew 19:17

Matthew 19:17
   Jesus never wasted people’s time. He always got to the heart of the matter. He never tried to paint it prettier than it is. He knew this man was self-righteous. So, he met him there. He established once and for all the Source of all good. And he called him to the highest standard and left the judging of the case up to the individual. He knew that the man knew that he could not be good on his own. He knows us all.

Bible Reading: Luke 23:1-24:53

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:11 “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are a wonderful mystery. You have revealed to us what we need to know for life and godliness. But, Your motives are inscrutable to us. How You could love us as much as You do is a beautiful mystery to us. Thank You for being so good and wonderful to us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man making a decision about a job. Pray for a man with cancer.

Journal Entry #14039

Matthew 19:16

Matthew 19:16
   Obviously, this man had bought into one of the oldest lies of the devil. If you are good enough, God will accept you. It is one of his favorites. It is so close to the truth, and yet so far away from it. God does have a standard for us to meet. But, we cannot meet it on our own. We need him. We need Christ. God alone is the source of good.

Bible Reading: Luke 22:1-71

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:11 “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your presence in our lives. You are so kind to us. Jesus is a constant blessing to us. You always know how to help us get along better than we ever though possible. You are amazing and loving. How can we ever praise You enough? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man getting ready to have a colonoscopy. Pray for a man waiting for a thyroid operation.

Journal Entry #14038

Matthew 19:15

Matthew 19:15
   Jesus blessed the children. Some might try to quantify what was happening here. They might say this laying of hands upon children should be specifically practiced today. I don’t thin that is at all necessary. All who will be this day ministering to children are doing the same thing Jesus did on that day. Just as he blessed them, we seek to bless their lives by ministering to them.

Bible Reading: Luke 20:1-21:38

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:11 “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, children are a special blessing from You. May we never forget to have child-like faith. Simple trust is all we need because we can depend completely upon You. Thank You for Your faithfulness and truth. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for churches all over the world today. Pray for a large family that has not even to church in a while. Pray for a man in the hospital.

Journal Entry #14037

Matthew Commentary

   I have the idea that I might actually use my verse by verse study on Matthew to put together a commentary. I don’t plan on trying to publish it or anything. But I would like to have it all put together in one document.
Obviously, I realize that I am not yet finished with Matthew. However, I will likely be through it by the end of this year. So, I am starting to make plans now. This will be a long-term project because I don’t have time to focus on it fully.
   As part of my plan, I am wondering if any of you who read this blog might think about being an editor. I will need several editors. This would not represent too much time on your part because I don’t have time to put a lot together all at once anyway. I would like to think that I will have Matthew ready right about the time I get close to finishing Mark. Given the fact I have been working on Matthew for nearly two years, we are not talking about getting anything done in a hurry.
   I already have one or two editors in mind, but I will need several kinds of editors. First, I will need at least two grammar and spelling editors. Secondly, I will need one, maybe two, doctrine editors. Doctrine editors will make sure to double check for inconsistencies in my commentary. I will need a reference editor. This person would link my commentary to appropriate verses where needed. I will need at least one form editor. This person would suggest changes in regards to flow, organization, and bibliography concerns (if quotations are needed).
   Surely, some persons might have the time or skill to do several of these things. That would be fine, but I would like a team of at least three persons beside myself. I cannot pay anyone for their help. This would be for you, and me, a personal enrichment project.
   If you are a regular reader and are interested in helping please know that I will give credit where credit is due, though I do not plan to publish the end result at this time. I may someday, but I have no way of knowing that now. If you are interested, just let me know. I am pretty sure most of my readers will know how to contact me. Thank you for reading!

Matthew 19:14

Matthew 19:14
   Jesus can teach us so much and yet say so little! The children had just as much a claim to the time and attention of Christ as did anyone else. The statement of Christ here means at least three things. First, physical age and spiritual condition are not linked. One may be very old in the flesh, and yet never born spiritually. One might die at a young age and yet be a very mature believer. Second, it means that there are a large number of young persons who will be in heaven. Indeed, it seems quite likely that most of those who we will live with in eternity will have been saved at an early age. Finally, it means that nobody will be a part of Christ’s kingdom who is there for his or her position or standing in this life. It could very well be that a man who has great authority here on earth may serve side by side with an aborted infant in heaven. The status we attain here in physical things may have little bearing on our future in that glorious place.

Bible Reading: Luke 18:1-19:48

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:10 “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how could we ever get to the end of understanding You. To know more about You is the great pursuit of life. Knowing the Eternal, wow what a thought! You are so far beyond all that we could ever hope to grasp. Thank You for Your book, the Bible. It is the thing that invades our reality and gives us a vision of You in all Your glory. May Your name be always praised! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman recovering from surgery. Pray for a man who needs the Lord in his life. Pray for a young family that needs direction.

Journal Entry #14036

Matthew 19:13

Matthew 19:13
   The disciples failed to see the scope of the ministry of Christ. They felt they could do him a favor by keeping him from being bothered by children. These children were not sick. They were brought to Jesus simply for his blessing. This was, in itself, an act of faith.

Bible Reading: Luke 16:1-17:37

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:10 “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we never fail to love You. You are so worthy of our adoration. You have given so much to us. The greatness of Your power is only matched by the greatness of Your character. You are the most wonderful One there is! I am glad to know You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who is out of church. Pray for a man seeking medical treatment.

Journal Entry #14035

Matthew 19:12

Matthew 19:12
   Jesus speaks here upon a subject that is sometimes overlooked, or even avoided. For one thing, as I have already pointed out, launching straight into a discussion of eunuchs indicates that Jesus is leaving no room for what many would refer to as the ‘single’ lifestyle. Many people these days want to be single and have multiple relationships with the opposite sex. This just isn’t biblical. Jesus sees only two options, marriage and celibacy.
   Celibacy is a clouded issue because of the preponderance of this practice among clergy. Scripture makes it quite clear that clergy may marry, and that celibacy is not a requirement for holiness. Cloistered communities of celibates, while keeping themselves pure from the world, also keep themselves from being more effective witnesses in it. Jesus does not have monasticism in view here.
   Jesus explains only three reasons why a man might be able to abstain from marriage. In all three he uses the word ‘eunuch’ to describe the individual. This is a strong term that can mean only one of two things. It means that a man either lacks the capacity (and drive to a certain degree) to have children, or he is committed to living as if he lacks that ability. In either case, complete abstinence is in view.
   Jesus highlights only three cases of how this might work out in a man’s life. First, some men are born in such a state that celibacy is quite convenient. The handicapped, and those with rare deformities, often fit into this category. Second, there are some who, in their society, have been actually physically made to be eunuchs. This practice is much more rare these days and is not biblical. Third, there are those who have chosen the celibate life. Note that Jesus said this was done for the kingdom of heaven. Though monasticism and cloistered communities are not taught in scripture, the celibate life is to be chosen for spiritual reasons. Celibates are not more holy. They are simply able to do what others may not. For example, going to minister to a leper colony would not be a good idea for a married man. A celibate could do so, and thus his ministry would have a broader scope. This need not mean that they have changed themselves physically to help in this. That would be wrong.
   What is very important to see here is that Jesus intends for there to be absolutely no sexual activity outside of marriage. This is quite offensive to our modern sentiments, but it is the intention of the Creator.

Bible Reading: Luke 13:1-15:32

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:9 “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for making so much clear to us in Your Word. You have given us all that we need. I love You. Thank You Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a man seeking medical treatment.

Journal Entry #14034

Matthew 19:11

Matthew 19:11
   Jesus says little, and yet very much, about marriage in this verse. He does not deny that marriage is hard work. The disciples thought marriage should be avoided altogether in light of Jesus words about divorce. Obviously, they knew how many marriages have problems.
   However, though Jesus does not deny the difficulties, he also makes it clear that celibacy is a more difficult road. He indicates that only a small percentage of men will find themselves able to keep from marrying. He does not comment on women, but the same would generally apply. Given the fact that women generally outnumber men, the percentage of celibates would be higher.
   In our modern times, singleness is very popular. Many want to be single, meaning that they can have relationships without commitment. As we will see in the next verse, Jesus leaves no room for this type of lifestyle.

Bible Reading: Luke 11:1-12:59

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:9 “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this wonderful day to serve You. We will never know, this side of glory, all of the great thing You have in store for us. Thank You for Your goodness. You deserve our faithful service. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman taking some very heavy medication. Pray for a man with debts.

Journal Entry #14033

Matthew 19:10

Matthew 19:10
   The disciples understood Jesus quite literally, which was the right way to interpret his words. In that culture, the wife was supposed to please the husband, but the husband was not told what he must do in relation to the wife. Jesus holds us to a much higher standard. If a man marries a woman who is unpleasant to him, he may not trade her out for another that he likes better. The disciples were shocked by this teaching because it was so contrary to the views of the day.

Bible Reading: Luke 9:1-10:42

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:9 “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is so wonderful to know that You love us so much and that You are at work in our lives. Jesus brings us to You and tells us Your Truth. He gives us Your Spirit in our hearts and lives. Your grace is truly amazing! Knowing that Jesus himself atones for us, that he is our offering before You, is such a blessing. We are so glad to know the Son, so that we may know You, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man looking at job opportunities. Pray for a woman who needs a gall bladder operation. Pray for a woman with the flu.

Journal Entry #14032

Matthew 19:9

Matthew 19:9
   Though I am very conservative on the point of divorce, may I point out here what is being said, and what is not. First, Jesus doesn’t directly say anything about wives divorcing their husbands. This doesn’t mean that his words can never apply to wives, it is just that he is not addressing their situation directly here because it was not at issue.
   Secondly, the only cause for divorce on the part of a man that Jesus seems to allow is fornication on the part of the wife. Here I must urge caution. The word fornication covers a wide variety of sexual sin. Thus, any husband who thinks he has grounds for divorce due to fornication needs to be very careful to define this sin. If he himself had been guilty of anything that might be considered fornication, it could be a bad idea for him to divorce his wife on the same grounds.
   Third, most divorces are caused by the ‘third party’. In other words, many husbands will want to divorce only so as to marry someone else. This was predominantly the motive of the Jewish leaders in this case. Jesus warns against this. To marry another, even as a divorcee, could still constitute adultery in the eyes of God. This is very much contrary to our normal thinking. Many get divorces so as to be with another person without the guilt. But, Jesus says, that won’t work.
   The final warning is often misunderstood. It is more serious than most of us realize. Jesus is here saying that a man who marries a divorced woman is most likely committing adultery. When this woman’s husband divorced her, if he did so for the wrong reason, he bore the blame for that. But when another man marries her, he commits adultery, and bears the blame. If a woman’s husband divorces her for the right reason, any man who marries her is committing adultery with an adulteress.
   Of course, many will say, what if the man has committed fornication? The fact is that Jesus isn’t talking about the men being guilty in this case. This doesn’t mean they are exempt, it’s just not what Jesus is talking about. Basing my thoughts on the rest of scripture, I would say you must apply the same principles to the man as you do to the woman. Without actual fornication, the marriage is not dissolved, even if divorce has occurred. Because fornication can be difficult to define, or even to prove, it is dangerous to marry any divorced person without very clear evidence of fornication on the part of one party and relative innocence on the part of the other.

Bible Reading: Luke 8:1-56

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:9 “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Your Word. It is very clear. But we are shortsighted when it comes to the sins we are so easily overcome by. May we realize that You have taught us the Truth for our own good. You love us, and You want what is best for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man recovering from hip surgery. Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a man with a strange condition.

Journal Entry #14031