Matthew 5:29

29: People often spend more time trying to determine Jesus’ exact meaning in these verses then they do acting on it. Obviously, if one removes a hand or eye, he may still be tempted. However, if he cuts certain things out of his life, no matter how dear to him, the likelihood of temptation is reduced drastically. For example, complete abstinence from alcohol may seem drastic to some people. But, an total abstainer’s chances of getting sopping drunk are well nigh zero.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 29:1-31:40

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:3 “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Daily Tidbit: People will often blame Christianity for things that the Bible does not teach. For example, in our modern day, the general consensus seems to be that Christians do not believe in equality. On the contrary, in Job 31:15, equality between masters and slaves, for instance, is very clearly taught. Thus, though people will try to blame social ills, such as slavery in early America, on Christianity, the Truth still stands. God’s Word makes it clear that all men were created equal.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, we need Your help to have a balanced approach to life. So often we spend hours on things that will not matter in eternity. In the meantime, we could be doing something of great value. O Father, help me to keep my priorities in line! Give us lives that are lived for a purpose. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady’s unspoken request.

Personal Journal Entry #12161

Matthew 5:27-28

27: Great emphasis in the Jewish community had come to be laid upon the outward manifestation of sin. Thinking lustful thoughts was not addressed, whereas appearing outwardly to be interested in a woman was forbidden. Thus, the focus was on ‘keeping up appearances’ rather than purifying one’s heart.
28: Jesus’ focus is on the thoughts of the heart. The lustful look, which follows after the thoughts of one’s heart, is all the same as the act of adultery itself.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 24:1-28:28

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:3 “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Daily Tidbit: The flying squirrel can glide from tree to tree for a distance of as much as 295 ft.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are consistently the same all the time. We can always count on You. Help us to be the same. Make us faithful and consistent. We need stability in our lives. The wishy-washy nature of our attitude and thoughts is in need of help. We are often double-minded. Thank You for Your Word, and the stability that You offer to us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for our nation.

Personal Journal Entry #12160

Matthew 5:25-26

25: Many have taken great pains to make this passage an allegory. They greatly complicate an otherwise simple meaning. The adversary here mentioned is someone who, like the brother mentioned in the previous verse, has something against you. As a result, they are, literally, taking you to court. While on the way, Jesus says, you should make every effort to listen to him and make amends with him. Otherwise, the one that you owe may choose to take his complaint to a higher court.
26: The point, which we see effectively in this verse, is that those who do not get along with their accusers will not have a good time of it. So, Jesus is simply restating a principle that he had mentioned in the previous verses, and that he explains elsewhere. If you are guilty, be quick to admit that guilt and confess it, and settle up with those who require just satisfaction. Otherwise, you must not expect unfair treatment of your guilt to keep you from severe punishment. The proper attitude towards our sin is what is at issue here. Denying your guilt is a bad idea.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 21:1-23:17

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:3 “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Daily Tidbit: I had heard of the law of diminishing returns before, but forgot what it meant. So, I looked it up. The law goes like this: If you are producing something, and you increase one element of the production process (while keeping all others the same), it will lead to a diminishing of the quality, and value, of the product. I was thinking that this principle could be applied to our spiritual lives. If we pursue one thing that God tells us we should do, and yet neglect other things, that one thing will not benefit us nearly as much.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for being patient with us. You must look at our pitiful growth in spiritual things and see how much more we could have if we would just reach out and take it from You. Help us to see that it is not about what we do, so much as what You can provide. Your strength makes so much possible for us. Give us the faith to depend upon Your faithfulness. Help us to stop thinking of all that we do not have and rely on You fully for what we do have. Your way is truly perfect, and we seek to walk in it. It is amazing to think that we can bring any glory to You. But, let us enjoy that fact that You enable us to do so. You are worthy, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for an older couple in our church as they deal with health issues. Pray for a young girl with complicated health concerns. Pray for a lady having trouble with one of her feet.

Personal Journal Entry #12159

Matthew 5:23-24

23: Often even the Jews forgot what many of us today readily miss in the sacrificial system. The offerings, whether for sin or for praise, had to be offered with the right attitude of heart. Sin could not be regarded in one’s heart while an offering was made. If something was between you and another, it needed to be dealt with.
24: The resolution here is immediate. You cannot simply intend to reconcile, and then offer anyway. The reconciliation must come before the offering. This is true even today, though the sacrificial system is not in use. New Testament saints should keep short accounts of sin with God Almighty and the neighbors. Sin must be dealt with speedily. Otherwise, our praise for Almighty God will be unheeded by him, and meaningless.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 17:1-20:29

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

Daily Tidbit: The Great Egret is an amazing animal. It has beautiful white feathers that seem to stay white all the time. It is fascinating to study how this occurs. The Egret says in muddy water much of the day, and yet remains brilliantly white. One of the ways that this is maintained involves a special kind of dust that is produced in down patches on the bird. The Egret uses these patches to coat its feathers with a white dust that clings to dirt. The dust can be shaken loose, taking the dirt with it.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wisdom. We so often are not so good at knowing what is best for our lives. We get caught up in things that are really a waste of time. Thank You for leading us to goals in life that will amount to something. Thank You for making us more than just the sum of our parts. We can make a real difference in the lives of others, and in this world. This is all through You, of course. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady who was taken to the hospital yesterday. Pray for pastors at churches in our area to preach the Word of God.

Personal Journal Entry #12158

Matthew 5:21-22

21: In this verse, Jesus begins his explanation of the law. Where he says ‘ye have heard’ he is referring not to what was originally written in the law, but to how it had been taught to the Jews by the Jews down through the years. Thus, he was correcting some common misconceptions.
It had been decided that certain types of murder should be punished by death after the judgment of the council. This is much like our degrees of murder today, first, second, and so forth. Thus, some forms of murder had come to not be punishable by death.
22: Jesus revives the true meaning of ‘thou shalt not kill’ and explains its true meaning for the heart of man. Those who are angry with others in their heart for the wrong reason will be judged by Almighty God. Raca means to call someone worthless, to belittle them. Such persons, Jesus says, should be judged by the council. Calling someone a fool is basically equivalent to cussing him out. This person, Jesus says, is deserving of hell, and should expect such. Thus, Jesus shows that ‘thou shalt not kill’ is not just a rule to be followed in its letter, but also in its spirit. The chances of one killing his neighbor who is never found to belittle him, find fault with him, or swear at him, are much less indeed.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 14:1-16:22

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.”

Daily Tidbit: It is amazing what we think of as ‘not so bad’ these days. Many Christians will call people morons, idiots, and other such names. This is the same as the ‘raca’ expression that Jesus was talking about. Cussing people out is not illegal in America. Freedom of speech should include the freedom to condemn your neighbor, right? Yet, Jesus says it is wrong. Thus, morality cannot simply be legislated, it must be produced in the heart of a person.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, our Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them, thank You for Who You are and what You teach us. Jesus is such a comfort to us. To know that You love us so much that You would send him is a great blessing. We can never thank You enough. Christ stand s as that great connection between man and God Almighty. He is the link we have You, Father. What a joy this is! Please help us to know Christ as we should. Bring us closer to him and make us more like him each and every day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a neighbor having health issues. Pray for a woman with gall stones. Pray for a couple on a long trip.

Personal Journal Entry #12157

Matthew 5:20

20: If the significance of Christ’s words is missed here, this statement could be taken as a cruel and discouraging standard. Here you have Jesus speaking to the mass of the common people. Many of them may not know how to read. Others were far too busy making ends meet than to study the scriptures all the time. In other words, they could not, in their way of thinking, ever hope to be as righteous as the scribes and Pharisees.

But, it is this inequality that reveals the truth of Christ’s words. He was not trying to get people to embrace a higher standard of pretentiousness than even their social betters. Instead, he was showing them that the only true inequality that existed was the lack of righteousness among those who claimed to be their superiors. He held out to them a righteousness that, being so much higher than any man can attain on his own, every man has a an equal chance of attaining. He was set to reveal to them the needs of their heart. True righteousness would begin there. And, from there, salvation would enter their lives.
Daily Bible Reading: Job 10:1-13:28
Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.”
Daily Tidbit: Humpback whales have some very interesting fishing techniques. The neatest is what is called bubble net feeding. A group of whales will get together and create a shrinking circle of bubbles around an entire school of fish. Working as a team, the whales drive the fish closer together and closer to the surface. At just the right moment, the whales swim upwards and each catch thousands of fish in their huge mouths.
Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the infinite wisdom of Your ways. You have made available to us mysteries in Your Word which would otherwise remain hidden. You give us guidance for spirituality. You help us find our true place in this universe. You give us real meaning and significance. Let us always yield our lives to the overwhelming greatness of Yourself. May we be instruments of Your Spirit, constantly living by your Word, and following Your way. May Christ and his gospel be the overarching purpose of our lives. We must make much of him, as You, inexplicably, are able to make much of us. Teach us that our greatness lies not just within ourselves, but within Christ in us. Without him, we are weak, and empty. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.
Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady with Lupus. Pray for a man going through cancer treatments. Pray for a man who needs to move out of the nursing home. Pray for a missionary with health issues.
Personal Journal Entry #12156

Matthew 5:19

19: The Jewish experts of the law in Jesus’ day, and even since then, have been known for far-out interpretations of the law. The rabbis have made up many stipulations allowing certain activities to continue. For example, in modern times, orthodox Jewish communities have a boundary around their town called an Eruv. This boundary supposedly allows them to move items about without breaking the Sabbath.
Thus, the Jews had already begun to abrogate the law by their traditions in Jesus’ day. It was this breaking of the ‘least’ of the commandments that Jesus was referring to. He had come to set a higher standard.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 7:1-9:35

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:2 “Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.”

Daily Tidbit: Following the same type of reasoning with the Eruv around the city, the Jews have rule concerning travelling on the Sabbath. Apparently, if food is prepared prior to the Sabbath and is placed in a location outside of the normally ‘allowed’ boundaries of travel, the food extends those boundaries.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the clarity that You give Your servants. Your Word is clear to those who, Jew and Gentile alike, seek to honor You. Help us to love You and serve You with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Help us to love others as we should. Give us your wisdom to teach others Your laws. Thank You for Your mercy, grace, and love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal: Pray for a missionary family in Kenya. Pray for a missionary couple in Cameroon. Pray for two ladies who are battling cancer.

Personal Journal Entry #12155

Matthew 5:17-18

17: Of course, many among the Jews had already begun to form the opinion that Christ was trying to do damage to the law. Indeed, the issue of the law is the very heart of controversy in Jesus’ life. People either accepted or rejected his teaching concerning the law. This sermon has much to do with Christ’s view of the law. To miss that will lead to misunderstanding.
The key word here is fulfill. It literally means to complete. Jesus had come, not to subtract from the law, but to add to it. He was preparing to explain the law in a way that had never before been heard. God himself was present to comment on the law. This had not occurred in this way since Sinai. In fact, the Sermon on the Mount is the greatest explanation of the meaning of the law given at Sinai that has ever been delivered. Jesus was trying to help these people understand that he was there to help them understand the law better than ever. As the Author, he was preparing to elucidate upon his own work.
18: Although most people are already aware that the ‘jot’ and ‘tittle’ are very small marks in the Hebrew language, the phrase ’till heaven and earth pass’ has not received so much commentary. Many think it is an idiomatic expression meaning never. However, given the content of the book of Revelation, it seems quite likely that Jesus is referring to the future. God’s Word shall always stand because it is inextricably linked to him. But, once the purpose of the law has been completely completed, it will ‘pass’ away in a sense. At that future time, sin will cease to exist. Therefore, the law, which deals with sin, will no longer be needed in the same way.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 4:1-6:30

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:

Daily Tidbit: Bananas are actually the most consumed fruit on earth. They come in many varieties. The Banana plant, though sometimes called a tree, is indeed a plant (a herb). A single banana can also be called a ‘finger’, and the tiers on a bunch of bananas in called a ‘hand’.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for today. Your goodness is limitless. Your faithfulness knows no boundaries. Remind us constantly that You are in control of everything. We easily forget that You know exactly what is going on. Help us to always trust You with everything. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for an older couple with back pain. Pray for a large Christian family. Pray for a man having back surgery soon.

Personal Journal Entry #12154

Matthew 5:15-16

15: It is amazing what simple illustrations are used in scripture. Complicated examples are rare. Most of the explanations are fairly straightforward. This is by design. The illustrations are simple so as to emphasize the fact that the concepts are simple. If one lights a candle, it is meant to be seen. If one knows the gospel, it is meant to be shared.
16: Although Christians are not meant to go around trying to impress people, we are supposed to live lives that are noticeably different from the norm. This will only be natural if we live right. We are not to be impressed with ourselves, nor are we to seek the attentions of others. We are, however, supposed to live in such a manner that attention will be drawn to God the Father. The best way to do this is to make much of Christ. He must be the central focus of our testimony.

Daily Bible Reading: Esther 9:1-Job 3:26

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: In today’s evolution-laden atmosphere, certain facts concerning animals seem to be hidden, or not mentioned often. However, it is amazing to discover how many animals can breed with each other. For example, lions can breed with tigers, leopards, and jaguars. Thus, they may all have come from one ‘kind’ of animal to begin with.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your protection from the devil. As with Job so many years ago, You still hold all of the power, and the devil can do nothing without You knowing and being in ultimate control of the situation. What a comfort this is! It is a glory to You that You have allowed people to choose not to love You, and yet have kept us alive so that some of us might turn to You. We must be thankful for Your graciousness. Indeed, it is a joy and pleasure to know that You are on the throne. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a family, as well as a single man, having financial difficulties at this time.

Personal Journal Entry #12153

Matthew 5:14

14: The light of the gospel has been shining brightly since the time of Christ. the city on the hill is not only an illustration, but it also stands as a rallying cry for the army of ambassadors for Christ. The light of the gospel cannot be, and has not been, hidden. Each Christian must, however, shine his or her light in the corner of the globe where they have the most influence. Light is something that everyone is thankful for. Though persecution will arise from evil men, Christians should inspire thankfulness in the hearts of decent, common people. Our character should be above reproach, and our speech should match it.
Jesus is here using a simple example to tell his followers to make the light available. If a city is not set on a hill, it may not be seen readily. For wayfarers it is always a comfort to see the lights of civilization, though today they are so bright that being on a hill is not always necessary.

Daily Bible Reading: Esther 4:1-8:17

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: When the Jews returned to Jerusalem from captivity there was a need for a good number of them to live in Jerusalem. this was important for the protection of the walls and temple which had been rebuilt. Nehemiah 11 shows that they actually cast lots (like tossing a coin) to see who would live there. Those who were selected (ten percent of the people) willingly left their current place to live in Jerusalem.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Spirit. You draw people to Yourself by Your Holy Spirit. This is the greatest blessing I can think of, to be pursued by Almighty God. But, after salvation, You add to the blessing. Your Spirit, living within us, seeks to sanctify our lives for Your glory. We literally have a personal coach for life inside of us as Christians. This is a great comfort! Help us always to listen to our personal trainer, that we ma be ‘in shape’ for life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a couple at church having health issues. Pray for some unsaved neighbors, and that we can be a witness to them.

Personal Journal Entry #12152