Matthew 5:13

13: Salt is one of the most useful things on the planet. It is used as a flavoring, and as a preservative. The disciples of Christ, knowing his teachings, are to be like salt to flavor and preserve this world. Now, the fact is that, normally, salt does not lose its flavor. It just is not chemically possible. However, the salt in Palestine often has extra impurities in it. Thus, if the actual salt dissolves, the impurities are left. So, in this way, the salt may be said to ‘lose its flavor’ and become worthless. This is why Jesus asks what the salt will be slated with to make it salty again. It is a rhetorical question, and he provides the answer. The ‘salt’ is worthless if it is no longer salty. Thus, his followers should be careful not to forget his teachings and cease to teach them to others.

Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 13:1-Esther 3:15

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: As many people have, I always thought Jesus was talking about salting the earth when he asked, ‘wherewith shall it be salted?’ in the second part of Matthew 5:13. That he was speaking of the salt at that point in the verse makes much better sense.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, help me to always be ready to share Your truth with others. It is easy to be ready when we are expecting the opportunity. It is much harder when the opportunity sneaks up on us. Thank You for Your infinite resources given to help us in the task. This job of taking the gospel to the world is a blessing because we are only tools in Your hand. If we had to do it alone, we would fail. Father, help us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for two older couples that are having health issues. Pray for a family to get back to church.

Personal Journal Entry #12151

Matthew 5:12

12: Of course, normally, suffering does not bring joy on any account. But suffering for the cause of Christ should indeed bring a very great measure of joy and gladness to one’s heart. Suffering for Christ stands as evidence of the true nature of a person as a child of God. As Jesus has already said, such persons will see Almighty God, be called his children, and live in his kingdom for eternity. Rewards will be given in that day that cannot possibly be fully appreciated at this time. They shall not be given on the basis of what is deserved, but on the basis of the grace of him who is giving. As Jesus says elsewhere, more will be given to those who already have much.
The prophets were persecuted for telling the truth about God. This is the focus, a true look at the God of all. Knowing him as he truly is gets at the heart of the Sermon on the Mount. It shows the law to be far more than a list of rules. It is to be a reflection of the character of the One who gave it. In fact, Jesus was about to let them all know that the law was not being followed strictly enough. This was because men had lost sight of a truthful reflection of the character of the Holy, Almighty God.

Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 11:1-12:47

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: According to Ezra 2, there were some families that came back from the captivity who could not show proof of their lineage. The priests among these were not allowed to minister as they would have otherwise. They had to wait for the high priest to be able to determine the will of God with the Urim and Thummim. This has happened by the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. But, his people do not recognize him as such.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the fact that we can rely upon you for our needs. Help us to trust You wholeheartedly. You have given us difficulties in our life to help remind us that we need You. Many, who feel that all their needs have been met, do not see their need of You. May we never be that way! Help us all to realize that we are so dependent upon You. Root out the self-sufficiency hiding in my heart. Give me a heart that leans upon You. O Father, Your provision is always what we need. You are perfectly aware of my every lack, and You already have a plan to fill me up to the brim with solutions. O Lord, we praise You for Your love for us! It is so precious. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a neighbor that is elderly and not feeling well. Pray for a neighbor who has cancer. Pray for an elderly couple with health problems. Pray for a missionary and his wife. Pray for a missionary who recently lost his brother. Pray for Wayside Baptist Church.

Personal Journal Entry #12150

Matthew 5:11

11: It is quickly forgotten that the Sermon on the Mount contains such verses as this. This verse, among others, reminds us that this is not just a message for mankind in general. But, instead, it addresses a specific group who will identify themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. The key of this verse is the phrase ‘for my sake,’ which makes the point quite clear. Jesus is very plainly teaching that those who will receive God’s blessings will be those who take up his cause. They will be the brunt of the same ridicule that Christ faced when he was in this world.
Followers of Christ will be falsely accused. Evil men constantly call evil good and good evil. Mean and deriding things will be cast into the face of those who follow Christ wholeheartedly. Persecution here literally means that Christians will be hunted down for the purpose of abusing, shaming, and even murdering them.

Personal Journal Entry #12149
Prayer Journal Entry #12149
Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-10:39
Praise Journal Entry #12109: Heavenly Father, help us never to be made fun of for doing that which is not consistent with Your will. It is a great shame to be legitimately persecuted. However, Father, we ask for You strength to endure persecution when we are doing right. We always want to be found upon the side of right and good. We would be good because You are good. Your ways are perfectly holy and just. May we always walk in them! Give us the courage to do what is right no matter what we might face. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:10

10: Righteousness, produced in one’s life by Almighty God, will bring persecution in one form or another. It is only to be expected that those who see a quality in the righteous that they themselves do not possess will be mad about it. Indeed, though many would deny it, godly righteousness produced in the lives of those who love and serve God has been the cause of more evil than any other single thing. Good the greatest cause of evil? Yes. Evil deeds are most often done to satisfy the desires of a conscience disturbed by the just demands of our holy God. Sin is used as a salve for guilt. However, rather than curing the wound, it only makes it to grow far worse. Like itching a wound may feel good for a time, but leads to infection and a worsening of the original condition of the sore. It may make the unrighteous feel better about themselves, but it will only lead to greater judgment. The mistreatment of the righteous is one of the easiest ways to salve a guilty conscience with sin. But, it carries with it the worst of consequences.

Personal Journal Entry #12148
Prayer Journal Entry #12148
Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-7:73
Praise Journal Entry #12108: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your work in this world. I often find myself so concerned about how I might better serve You that I forget You are at work no matter what I may do. When I set my head on the pillow at night You are saving souls on the other side of the world. While I live through my day, You are constantly active in everything. You are not busy simply because You are the Maker and Sustainer of the universe, but because You are the Savior and Lover of mankind. Help me, help us all, to see the big picture, and to pray as Stephen when he was stoned, ‘Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.’ Make us lovers of the souls of men, just as You are. Give us that desire to give them the chance to embrace the truth, even as they try to put out the light of our witness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:9

9: Peacemakers, in their best form, are those who understand the peace of God. Knowing the peace that he can bring to our souls is very helpful when it comes to making peace with and among others. Jesus has just this kind of people in mind. Not those who simply seek any form of peace they may obtain. But instead, it is those who promote the peace of God among their fellows.

Personal Journal Entry #12147
Prayer Journal Entry #12147
Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 1:1-4:23
Praise Journal Entry #12107: Heavenly Father, thank You for your wonderful, overflowing peace. It is so wonderful to know that we have peace with You through Christ Jesus. Your peace is not just a lack of conflict, but a beautiful state of being. I  could never know just how much Your peace has changed my life. It can bring to each of us joy beyond measure. May we always share Your peace with others. Make us lovers of Your peace. Help us to seek it among ourselves at all times, even in times of conflict. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:8

8: The pure in heart are those who have genuine righteousness. They seek not to be justified by some good work. Nor are they vain actors who only look to be holy. They have appropriated the righteousness that God has made available to them. Jesus has this same theme throughout this sermon. The righteousness that God seeks is greater than what can be produced by works alone. We must be pure in our very heart and soul. Such persons shall see Almighty God in glorified bodies one day in heaven.

Personal Journal Entry #12146
Prayer Journal Entry #12146
Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 8:1-10:44
Praise Journal Entry #12106: Heavenly Father, Almighty God, You are the Source of righteousness. Make us pure in heart by Your Son, the Lord Jesus. Thank You for salvation through him. Without him we would have no hope. O Father, thank You for the blessed hope of the soon return of Christ. We look forward to this each day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:7

7: The merciful here refers to those who have mercy as their constant companion. This is not that group that is merciful for a show of self-promotion. That is not true mercy. No, this is that group of men and women who naturally care for the state of others. They are always mindful of other people’s needs. They not only seek to help when they are asked, but also they try to assist any who seem to be in need.
These will receive mercy. It is implied by the context that Almighty God will be the source of this mercy. Although he may use other people to deliver some of it, it is likely that the focus is here upon mercy directly from the Lord. We are quick to want this kind of mercy. But, very often, many of us are not so quick to hand it out.

Personal Journal Entry #12145
Prayer Journal Entry #12145
Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 4:1-7:28
Praise Journal Entry #12105: Heavenly Father, thank You for this wonderful day, and the great weekend that came before it. Help us to always be mindful that our days are gifts from You. Almighty God, You are our joy in life. You make every day special and exciting. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:6

6: Of course, to hunger and thirst after something implies a lack of it. Those who have such an attitude towards righteousness do not flatter themselves with the pretense of possessing it. Instead, they afflict their souls with a constant desire for it that is as strong as the most basic of needs. Many do not see it this way. They see righteousness as a burden rather than a pleasure. However, as our daily food, though it must be worked for, righteousness may be enjoyed very much. Those who see it this way will be the recipients of it, according to Christ.

Personal Journal Entry #12144
Prayer Journal Entry #12144
Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 2:1-3:13
Praise Journal Entry #12104: Heavenly Father, thank You for this blessing from Your Word today. It was just what I needed. So often we forget how helpful Your Word can be in our daily lives. May we never forget the power of Your Truth to get us through the most difficult things. We can always depend upon Your faithful answers to our most important questions. Remind us always to keep coming back to the resources that You have provided. Give us each day a gem from Your treasure trove of promises. Your Word is a lasting joy! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:4-5

4: Those who morn seem to be those who are bereaved. However, in the context, it could also mean those who are repentant, morning over sin. Either way, it has the same bottom line meaning. Christ is here saying that those who recognize and mourn over the trouble that is in this world through sin will be comforted. Whereas those who are simply sad, but fail to recognize the root cause of all troubles, are not included here.
5: Meekness is the opposite of pride. These verses are getting at more or less the same truth stated in different ways. Humility rather than pride will be characteristic in those who inherit the earth. The earth here meant is the future new earth. Thus, seeing God, possessing heaven, inheriting the earth, and being called the children of God are all fundamentally the same thing. As Jesus says in the letters to the churches in Revelation, those who overcome will be the recipients of many great things.

Personal Journal Entry #12143
Prayer Journal Entry #12143
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 35:1-Ezra 1:11
Praise Journal Entry #12103: Our Gracious Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your comfort. If we seek comfort in anything or anyone else but You, we are let down. Make us humble, Father. Meekness before You is such a worthy cause. May we always keep a tender spirit, being sensitive to Your Truth, and Your Will. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 5:2-3

2: It is said here that Jesus taught his disciples. It must be said that this particular discourse is the finest and most influential piece of instruction ever to be delivered. It is the most well-known message of the most well-known speaker ever to speak on planet earth. And, observe now how it starts.
3: The ones who are recipients of the blessings of God are those who are poor in spirit. They are guaranteed the kingdom of heaven. But, who are they? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? Well, they are not poor spiritually quite simply because they are poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit means to be destitute of spiritual life. We would quickly say that such persons could never enter the kingdom of heaven. However, the poor in spirit are those who see and understand their great spiritual need. They realize that they are so far removed from what they should be spiritually, that they are glad to receive the righteousness that God provides through Christ. Just as those who are monetarily poor will shirk no task to enrich themselves, the poor in spirit would never dream of turning down the surpassing spiritual riches made available through Christ Jesus.
Thus, the poor in spirit are those that are hungry for what Almighty God is ready to pour into their soul.

Personal Journal Entry #12142
Prayer Journal Entry #12142
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 32:1-34:33
Praise Journal Entry #12102: Heavenly Father, Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, I praise You for your wisdom. You seek after those who are sensitive to their need for You. May we always be aware of our deep need for Your righteousness, Your spiritual gifts, Your Holy Spirit in our heart and life. Never allow us to be satisfied with a counterfeit spirituality. Thank You for the real and full life that we can have in Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.