
Luke 8:18 “Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”

   The beginning of this verse is really a key for this whole passage. He tells His disciples have a care for ‘how’ they hear. The word can also be translated ‘that’ in this context. And ‘take heed’ can be a warning. So it can be translated ‘Beware that you hear’ and be quite true to the passage.
   What Jesus follows this up with is surely meant to be a warning. Indeed, the word ‘seems’ is pregnant with meaning. Its meaning includes the idea of self-judgement. Meaning that many have an opinion of themselves, which may or may not be shared by others, concerning their knowledge of the things of God. Jesus confirms, however, that these folks do not actually have anything. And yet that ‘nothing’ will be taken away.
   Is that double-talk? How can ‘nothing’ be actually removed? Jesus is here helping us to understand that the LORD will not leave anything undone when it comes to final judgment. As it is said elsewhere, the secrets of men will be judged. God isn’t going to leave anyone hanging on to some perceived idea of understanding. All will be made aware of the accuracy, or ignorance, of their ideas about God.

   Heavenly Father, it is such a blessing that You even allow us to know You! And, if we know You, You delight to give us more knowledge of You. Truly fortunate is the man who understands and knows You! What could be more important or valuable? No riches of this world are worth giving that up for. It just isn’t anywhere close to worth it. Father thank You for revealing Yourself to us in Christ. He is truly wonderful! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:17 “”For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”

   This had an immediate meaning as well as a long term meaning. The gospel age has brought forth answers to many of the questions that were still unanswered in the ancient times of the Old Testament. And so Jesus spoke of that revelation of the truth that was coming shortly to the Jewish people. Much of what God’s people knew and understood about Him was enhanced and added to during this time.
   But also, Jesus is speaking of things yet future even today. There are many things we still do not understand. Not everything has been revealed, though much of it has.
   Beyond this, though, Jesus also was speaking of the truth in an individual’s heart. He ministered to people who would grow in their understanding of the truth. When we are seeking to know the eternal God, there will be growth in our understanding. God has always revealed Himself by a little and a little. He doesn’t just flash in upon us all at once, but He comes softly and slowly permeates our minds with His powerful and delightful truth.

Heavenly Father, there is nothing so wonderful as being able to speak to You. To ask You and to hear Your answers is the most amazing blessing anyone could hope for. Thank You for being a willing party to revealing Your plan and ways to us. Though there is so much we do not understand, Your desire for a relationship with us is such a delight and pleasure! I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:16 “”No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.”

   Jesus might seem to be changing the subject here. But really He is just continuing it. Back in verse 10 He had commented on the fact that the disciples were given the opportunity to know things that others were not. Here He is stating a general principle in relation to that. When you turn a light on it is your intention to keep it lit and to bring light to an area. You generally do not cover it so that it will not shine.
   What Jesus means is that though He spoke in parables His purpose was not ultimately to confuse people or keep them ignorant. His intention was to share the truth and allow it to grow in the hearts of those who sought for it. And, this is true even today. Those who are looking for the truth out of a genuine heart will find it, and the truth will grow in their heart.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for Your truth! You have given us so much by which we may know You and understand You. You have given us some mystery, but You are not hiding. We can truly know You as a person. You are not far far away where we can never have a relationship with You, even though You are as far above us as anything can be. Thank You for loving us in Christ! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:15 “But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.”

   This verse is quite interesting because of the description of the heart of the persons represented by the seed on the good ground. Jesus says that these folks have a ‘noble’ and ‘good’ heart. Is Jesus saying that the only people that will be saved and bear fruit were good people to begin with? This seems inconsistent with His doctrine and with the rest of Scripture.
   The best way to understand this is as an ‘in comparison to’ statement. In other words, these people have a noble heart as hearts go, or a good heart as hearts go. Individuals in this category are those who had retained some sense of the need for good in the world. The word ‘noble’ speaks of their being commendable. These are they who would rather see good done than evil. They have held onto the idea that there is good and evil and these matter for life. The word ‘good’ means to be upright or morally principled. In other words, these people are those who, before believing, had some idea of how we ought to live.
   This does not mean they were sinless. On the contrary Scripture makes it clear that many who were saved were guilty of very egregious things. But, they had felt guilt and shame. Their heart was still, in some part of it, tender to the things of God. Even those who wander in sin for many years may still be like this. They have not completely turned their back on the idea that they need God.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for Your work in our lives! Without Your grace we would never find our way. We would live in a maze. You have shed light on everything. I will praise You forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:14 “Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity.”

   This seed among the thorns is important to take notice of. Jesus doesn’t say specifically that they are believers or saved. But, both things are confirmed by His words because He says that they do not bring fruit to maturity. These are those who are saved ‘so as through fire’ as we read in 1 Corinthians 3:15. This is the story of a life wasted, and it is a story oft repeated.
   The enemy knows that once the gospel has taken root in a life, he cannot remove it. However, though that soul be lost to his kingdom, it need not be a bother to him. Among the thorns it finds so much to keep it from good growth. Christian after Christian lives a neutralized life, paralyzed, never growing or bearing fruit.
   Some will argue with this assessment. Indeed I myself have wondered if this is possible. But not only is the proof in the Scripture, but it bears out in practice. How many of our brothers and sisters do we see who have a testimony, but have never yet shared their faith? How many live as if for Christ and yet only in a corner of their lives? How many if put on trial for their faith might be acquitted due to lack of evidence? It is a sad malady, but it surely touches many of us.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for Your working in our lives. Without it we would have no hope of living a life of meaning. You give us purpose and a cause to fight for. You are so good and wise and kind. I will serve You and love You forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:13 “But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.”

   There are several key words here that are important to notice. Though Jesus does not mention if these are ‘saved’ individuals, He does call them believers. And, He says these believers ‘fall away’, or depart, from the faith. Due to the word choice here it is certain that if these persons are not saved, they would at least ‘seem’ saved for a time.
   These are what we would refer to as apostates. They look good, smell good, and may even seem to bear fruit. But, there is nothing genuine about them because they have no root. In other words, they never had been truly transformed into the New Creature. The old man Adam kept them the whole time. And, in the end, they show their true colors.
   Looking at this parable and its explanation is encouraging, but instructive. Though we see that good seed in good ground will succeed, we also learn that many never make it. In this wide world there are many who hear the truth, and either never believe, or believe only for a time, and not genuinely. Persons in the latter case may be the ‘seed on the rock’ for many years or even decades before they fall away. And, in some cases, due to the worldliness of the church at large, they are never revealed in their true nature, but exist as wolves among the sheep.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for telling the truth! Even though it is hard sometimes, it is so wonderful to have it. I’d rather live my life in Your light than the devil’s darkness. There is so much deceit in this world, and only in You can we find real answers. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:12 “Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.”

   It is very important to take note of the words Jesus uses when He describes these groups. This group is not saved, and does not believe. In Matthew we are told this group does not understand what they have heard. It is the working of the devil in the world to immediately counteract the planting of the seed if at all possible. And in the case of these it is quite possible.
   This group is ‘the crowd’, the ones who have heard the truth proclaimed. They cannot say they were never exposed to the truth, but that is as far as it goes. They never had any comprehension of the message, but only received it, thought about it for a time, and after the working of the enemy, forgot about it. Sometimes these might think of it later, but almost never to any good result.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for Your blessings. May we be blessed no matter our circumstances because You are the best blessing we could have. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:11 “”Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”

   Ah a short verse, but so packed with meaning! The seed, it is the thing that makes all the difference in time and eternity for it tells of the Holy One and His Son, Jesus the Christ. For every member of the human race the message of God is of utmost importance. Nothing parallels it. It it is by itself enough of a purpose and reason that no other must be sought. How any one of us will react to the Word of God is what will decide everything for us.
   Very often we see those who would divide God and His Word. They recognize God, or even Jesus, but do not accept the Scripture. And they do not realize, or will not admit, that they simply set up a false God and false Christ by doing so. No, God sent His Word into this world to be the absolute standard. All humans are called upon to respond to what they have of the ‘seed’ that has been scattered.

   Heavenly Father, I often am awestruck by Your plan. The way You have chosen to order this world and make Your presence known is wonderful to me. You are truly wise and Your sagacity knows no limits. I spend my life not discovering the boundaries of Your wisdom, but comprehending more the limitless nature of it. You know everything. That is so easy to say, but it will take all of my life and effort to really understand it. I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:10 “And He said, “To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that`Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.'”

   What was the dividing line here, and why was it there? The disciples were those who had already made known their interest in Christ. They had already taken steps of faith and shown that they were willing to chose Him over the things of this life. For the others, though they were curious, they fell under the reach of prophecy. Jesus was fulfilling prophecy by delivering His truth in parables. He knew it wasn’t the most direct method. But, it was a good method. It was perfect for the goal He had in mind. He delivered truth, but the closed mind would never grasp it. Those who were unwilling to make an extra effort to know Him would not know Him.

   Heavenly Father, give us truth! We realize and understand that the truth is what we need so dearly. And yet often we are so satisfied with much less. You are wise and You know our hearts. Help me dear Father to grasp Your truth with understanding. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.


Luke 8:9 “Then His disciples asked Him, saying, “What does this parable mean?”

   Jesus is the greatest Teacher there is, and yet His own disciples who had spent so much time with Him didn’t understand? One of the reasons that Jesus taught the way He did was because He wasn’t just telling people something for today to tomorrow. He was telling them something to remember all of their lives. He expected them to have to think about it long and hard. And, in many cases, He knew they would never understand. Indeed, as He would explain, it was not intended that some of His hearers should.
   But for those that were intended to understand the parable was a memory device. It was an easy to remember story. Short, not very complicated, and interesting. It is the kind of thing that you can memorize in five minutes if you really give it some effort.
   A modern illustration would be a popular song. Lots of folks might get a tune in their head before they really even understand what the song is about. And it will stick with them. They may ‘get it’ at some point, or they may never get it. But the song is stuck in their head like a seed planted in the ground. And the parables of Christ were just the same. He could have hearers who may not understand much at all of what He was saying, but they could remember it well enough to tell their family and friends when they got home. It was portable pith, and others who received it from the ignorant might understand it themselves. And some who carried it around for many years might finally one day ‘see the light’ and begin to understand.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for these gems, the parables of Christ. They are meant to be hidden deep in our hearts that they might grow into great things that influence all that we do. You are wise beyond all that we could ever imagine! I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.