
Mark 14:32
This verse at the same time highlights both the humanity and Divinity of the Christ. Remember if you will that the original purpose of the earth was for planting gardens. Eden was God’s perfect garden. And man was given the job to tend it. So, Jesus’ choice of this place is at once Divine, but yet so human. This is where God and humanity had their first interactions, in a garden. And this is where Jesus resorted to when preparing for his difficult task. Perhaps he is reminiscing about what could have been, and what can again be a reality by his sacrifice.

Heavenly Father, may we never forget that all that we are as humans has come from you. Sin alienated us from you, but you are not altogether foreign. Without us, there can be a you, but without you, there can be no us. This we must always remember. You are the Progenitor. It is to you we owe everything. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:31
  Wouldn’t a sense of shame keep them from leaving him? Not when they saw that all forsook him. And, when they realized that he was not going to resist his arrest. Unexpected events, and the failure of the group, were more than enough to overcome any sense of shame they might have felt.

Heavenly Father, forgive us for being so influenced by others! You are the One who matters. Thank you for your patience. You are worthy of worship and praise. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:30
   Jesus is very specific here. He wanted Peter to remember this statement. Was that just so he would feel bad when it happened? No. He wanted Peter to know that he knew exactly what would happen before it happened. This shows Peter that he was chosen by the Lord even though the Lord knew all along that he would do this.

Heavenly Father, thank you for working in our lives in spite of our sin. Sin alone never keeps you from being merciful to us. It is unbelief that keeps people from your grace and mercy. May we proclaim to all who will listen that you are in the saving business. You are wise, you know what you are doing. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:29
   How many times have you said something you lived to regret? I can’t imagine how often Peter wished he could erase this from his memory. But, there is forgiveness in Christ. Peter was still used greatly by God. He didn’t get hung up on past failure. But, he did learn some wisdom from it.
   Always realize that the Lord is aware of the temptation to boast. He already knows what we are going to think before we think it. We don’t have to feel constantly guilty that it is a temptation. It will always be a temptation as long as we are in this flesh. And, if you give in to it, find forgiveness in him. The enemy will guilt you if he can. Let the Holy Spirit handle guilt, not the enemy.

Heavenly Father, thank you for knowing us so well! It helps so much to know that you understand us. You are compassionate, just, and patient. I love you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:28
   How could Jesus have said any clearer that he was going to rise from the dead? And yet, his disciples failed to understand or even believe at first. We all tend to misunderstand or fail to comprehend when things don’t fit in our idea of how the future will play out. We have the ‘always has’ syndrome. Since certain things always have happened a certain way, we expect certain things to transpire, even though we cannot possibly know the future.

Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding us even though we often think we already know the way. If we will submit to you, you will direct our hearts, even though our hearts don’t want to be directed.  You are so wise! Only you can handle our problems. Only you know the future. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:27
   This was a fulfillment of prophecy concerning Christ. The Lord had already said this would happen. Why would his followers be offended in him? What would offend them? The disciples, though dedicated to Christ, did not understand his plans. They thought they knew, as we have seen, what he would do next. But, they did not. The fact of the two comings of the Messiah had not yet been revealed specifically. So, seeing him arrested didn’t fit in their ideas of what he would do.

Heavenly Father, thank you for working your plan out to perfection. We know you don’t have to ask our advice before you act. Help us to accept humbly your plan for us. We know that you love us and that your ways are best. Give us the grace to not be offended, but to instead be blessed. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:26
   There are lots of things in Scripture that are not rules. But, sometimes they are really neat things to do anyway. For example, this verse says that Jesus and his disciples sang a hymn as they left. I like to end the Communion service with a hymn for this very reason. Though it is not a requirement, it is a really good idea.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all of the nice things that you have taught us. You really care for us and love us. It is amazing to think about! Your compassion and tenderness is truly wonderful. Thank you, you are worthy of all the praise. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:25
   Do not attempt to use this verse to prove that Jesus drank wine. Though he likely did drink what would have been referred to as wine in that time, the only thing confirmed here is that it was a beverage derived from grapes. I’m not trying to deny that Jesus did indeed drink wine. But, some people tend to bend over backwards to substantiate the fact. The alcoholic content of the ‘wine’ is debatable, though pasteurized grape juice had not been invented yet. There are other passages of Scripture much better suited to solving the problem of Christians drinking wine.
   Also, and more importantly, we have him referring to drinking it in the future. This is really special because Jesus is promising to fast from this fruit until that future day. He loves us very much, and enjoying this meal with us is very important to him. And, it should be to us.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making these things clear to us. It is so wonderful that you are a person and that we can know you. Some impersonal force would not be knowable, or worthy of worship. I love you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:24
  Jesus is referring to the New Covenant, which is explained in Jeremiah 31:30-34. The connection here is substantiated by Hebrews 8:6-13. It is by the blood of Christ that the Jews and the Gentiles may receive forgiveness.

Heavenly Father, you are worthy of the praise. How can we thank you sufficiently for your forgiveness? Without it we would have nothing, and we would be doomed. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.