
Mark 14:13
   Many have wondered if this person that Jesus sent them to meet was an angel. This is quite possible. However, since Scripture finds it unnecessary to report that, we should find it unnecessary to think that. Either way, Jesus knew exactly what would happen before it happened. It is one of his many miracles involving his omniscience. He knew that this person would find the disciples. And whether an angel told before hand, or a person that he knew and had given instructions to, it is really amazing timing.

Heavenly Father, how can we ever understand you? Ah, and yet it is you that make us want to understand. You inspire that thinking of more than what we see and feel. You bring us beyond what the natural man wishes to admit. You can enliven the spiritual part of every one of us. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:12
   This is one of those occasions where we get to see the day to day operations of the Lord and his ministry team. It seems likely that they often assumed that they knew exactly what his next step would be. Indeed, several passages like this one indicate that there was commonly discussion among themselves as to what would transpire next.
   We always want to have things to be predictable. But, it doesn’t always work out the way we think it will. In this case, they were on the right track. Nonetheless, none of them could have predicted what happened next.

Heavenly Father, you can lead us perfectly, yet we often try to make you lead us in one way or another. We can rest in you, even when we are unsure of where we are going. We can know that we are doing the things that honor you, and that we are living by your rule. Thank you for your rule in our lives, and for the way that you make things so good. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:11
   So Judas likely met with these men several times. This betrayal was not an overnight thing. Judas looked for an occasion to betray Christ because of the plans of the Jewish leaders. They wanted it to be convenient for them. It was not Judas’s own convenience that he was seeking, though it wouldn’t hurt him to do it in secret either.

Heavenly Father, you have given us the most convenient path. Yet, to us it looks hard and steep. We fail to see the pitfalls along the way on the easy path. Thank you for warning us! You love us so much. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:10
   After a while it became obvious to Judas that Jesus wasn’t going to help him accomplish his aims. Judas was a theif, and had motives to match. And yet he was well esteemed, apparently. So he surely planned to continue in the same vein as Jesus set up his kingdom on earth. But, Jesus didn’t set up his physical kingdom on earth at that time.
   Some have suggested that Judas had good motives. They say either that Jesus told Judas to betray him, or they say that Judas was trying to get Jesus to establish his royal claim. If Judas had been instructed to do what he did the Scriptures wouldn’t say that the devil entered him at the Last Supper. And, he wouldn’t have killed himself. If Judas was only trying to get Jesus to act then that was only a lie he was telling himself to salve his conscience. Ultimately, he realized that he was deceived and used as a pawn in the devil’s hands.

Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us the truth. You do not steal from your servants. You give to us. You encourage us. You enable us. Your work in our lives is a wonder, and we praise you for it! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:9
   Now, this is one of those verses that lots of people will want to say was added later. But, when you start taking things out of God’s Word just because they don’t fit your measure, you step into dangerous territory.
   The fact is that this is one of the most stunning examples of Christ’s prescience. He knew that these words of his would end up in the gospels, and that they would be reiterated over and over. Jesus is one of the few among the prophets that gets this specific on such a narrow subject. Indeed, his statement itself brought about the fulfillment, a characteristic that prophecy sometimes displays. It is truly amazing for he is truly amazing!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the way that you communicate with us. When needed, you are very specific. But, in your infinite wisdom, you choose to keep some things very general. We see your wisdom, but cannot fully grasp why you do what you do. We just stand back in awe. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:8
  She did what she could. What exactly does he mean by this? In other words, this was the best way she had to bring worship to him. It was giving her all. Jesus looks not for the size or grandeur of the gift, but the effort and heart behind it. She gave what she could, not less than she could. She did not fail to give, like so many others.

Heavenly Father, be honored by our gifts! You are worthy of our every praise. You alone deserve the best gifts of our lives. May we always give you what we can! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:7
   The poor are always available. This is an interesting teaching. Even at the end of time, there will be poor people. Human society will not eliminate this vice, even if it seems that way.
   Jesus was not speaking here of his presence as the Son of God. He is always present everywhere. But his physical body is in one local area at any given time. He was then on the earth, but would soon depart.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Christ. He is all that we need. By him we have eternal salvation and life. Thank you for your amazing mercy! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:6
   Jesus rebukes the disciples who agreed with Judas. We don’t know how many did, but it could have been as few as one or two others. He helps them to understand that this woman is doing a good work.
   This is actually quite an important teaching. The Jews, including the disciples, thought of good works as things we do to keep the law and to establish our righteousness. Jesus is teaching that good works are not done to secure salvation. Neither are they just done for the sake of obedience. They are done out of a desire to worship. We do good works because the Lord has done so much for us. It is a matter of obedience to be sure, but genuine obedience and love go hand in hand.

Heavenly Father, to worship you is our utmost desire. When we think of what you have done for us, we are overwhelmed. Your mercy, grace, and love are incredible! Give us the breath to praise you. We cannot stop! You’re plan is amazing, and we thank you so much for it! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:5
   The ointment was considerably valuable. The idea here was based on a pretended piety. Indeed, many ungodly things have been done in the name of piety. Giving to the poor is not, by itself, of utmost importance. Glorifying God is the chief end. It just so happens to be that giving to the poor usually meets that purpose quite well. However, having Christ himself there present provided a ready exception. To give this directly to the Lord was the right thing to do. Had he wished for it to go to the poor be would have said so. This once again reveals the thinking of the disciples. As Jews, they were going by the standard if the law, which would suggest just such a course as was suggested. But the Lord of the law was there, and he took precedence. Besides, Judas only said it as a pretence anyway.

Heavenly Father, when we think in our limited way we just cannot grasp truths about you. Help us to rely upon the understanding we can get from you through the Spirit. Thank you for your Word! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:4
   Now we know from the other gospels that it was Judas who said this. But, apparently others agreed with him when he voiced his opinion. We can immediately see that this is a case where agreement stemmed from the existence of an argument. This happens quite frequently. Humans tend to want to align themselves with the opinions of others so as to feel part of the crowd. But this is often quite foolish.

Heavenly Father, we want to value your opinion above all else. What you say and want is of the utmost importance. We can never overestimate your influence upon our lives. We need you every hour, quite literally. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.