
Mark 14:3
   Though not a popular or common scent today, spikenard is still expensive. I found one pound worth online for sale for over $500. Thus, this is a very valuable scent, and is not to be used carelessly. This was a very special gift and it carried with it great significance and love. This woman obviously understood that Jesus was more than deserving of such a sacrifice.

Heavenly Father, may we all offer our best to you, for you are worthy. We will never be able to make up for all that you have done for us. But, your goodness inspires us to do all we can for you. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:2
The Jewish leaders were interested only in maintaining their power. This is how worldly politics works. It is based on fear and public opinion. These men had to maintain a very careful balance, staying in the people’s favor while at the same time keeping Rome happy.

Heavenly Father, we smile as we think of the politics of this world. It is much like a circus. But, we thank you that the future will be nothing like that. We know that you will rule, and all will be at peace. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 14:1
   This is not the first time that this planning had occurred. These men had been trying to resist the ministry of Christ, and John the Baptist, from the beginning. We get the idea that they were finally successful becuase they figured out how to go about it. But, really, Jesus prevented their success. Almighty God had already planned this all out. Had it not been for the offer on the part of Judas to betray Christ, the purposes of these men would have failed again. But, Judas’ role was prophesied, so that is why it is the way that this plan finally came to fruition.

Heavenly Father, thank you for moving everything forward by your purposes. You alone have the wisdom needed to guide this universe. Only you know what to allow and what to prevent. And, only you can hold back all opposition. Thank you for your work in my life! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:37
   This is what we like to call a fair warning. This world will be going along as if nothing devastating is about to happen, when something devastating will indeed occur. The world system steams on, largely oblivious to the warnings of Scripture. And, that is a dangerous course. This old Book is nothing to be ignored. It is the very fabric of life, for it is the treatise of the Life-Maker.

Heavenly Father, we can never stop thanking you! May our lives honor you and bring glory to your name! You are worthy of every praise and we love you very much. You alone are holy, just, and pure. You alone are good, kind, and gracious. Your mercy is wonderful, and your grace is indeed amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:36
   What would be the implication of finding a person sleeping? Well, though we do all individually need to be aware and alert, I think he is speaking of the nation of Israel, and the world as a whole. Jesus will very likely catch most people off guard. This is a warning not to be a part of that sleeping majority.

Heavenly Father, you always want the best for all of us. So, we want what you want. We bow now in praise seeing that you are the God of All. You see what we could never know or understand. Please allow us to honor you with our every breath. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:35
   It seems from Scripture and early Christian literature that the early believers thought the Lord Jesus would be returning fairly quickly. Were they wong to have that perspective? Absolutely not! What Jesus is saying here is that we, as they, should expect him to come just any time now. But, unlike them, we understand his words experientially as well. We have seen over two thousand years of history since that time. So we clearly see that he meant it might be a longer time. But again, like the early Christians, we should live expecting it to be very soon.

Heavenly Father, you are glorious, wonderful and mighty. We cannot conceive of your greatness. Yet you allow us to praise you. How can we understand you? If you did not reveal yourself there would be no hope of knowing you as you are. Thank you for your goodness in showing yourself to us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:34
  Jesus is giving us an idea of what we should do in this age. We should be prepared for his coming, and be busy about the work he has given us to do. And, we see here something that we tend to forget. By the power of the Spirit, Jesus has given us all that we need to get the job done. In other words, we want to get the gospel out, but we tend to shoot each other while we are at it. The truth is that the Lord has put into us as the body of Christ the authority to carry out the command.

Heavenly Father, thank you for taking care of us even when life seems to be against us. You know your plan for us. Thank you for your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:33
   Watch the signs of the times. Though the exact timing will not be known, we can see events lining up for that time yet future. So much of what is going on in our world today fits with the prophecies concerning the end times. Pray that you may stay in communication with Almighty God. During the time of the end things will be very difficult. At that time, as well as in this current time, prayer is of utmost importance.

Heavenly Father, you give us the chance to follow after Christ. We have truth and grace in this gospel age. We praise you as you are working to bring people to yourself through Christ. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:32
   Once again we must differentiate. That day occurs at the end of ‘those days’ and is not connected with ‘these things.’ So, this refers to the exact day and hour of the Second Coming. Many have wondered how that the Trinity could be true, and yet, that there could be a piece of knowledge that God the Son does not have? We know that Jesus emptied himself of much when he came to earth. His will is submitted to the Father’s will, but is not the same. He derives his knowledge from the Father, but the Father may choose to withhold this information. The balance to understand here is that this could only happen if the Godhead pre-determined that it would. And that is exactly how it happened. The Godhead decided all of this beforehand. Thus, the knowledge of Christ was already chosen before he was incarnated.
   As Jesus has already made clear, the general time of his Second Coming is predictable. But the exact time he tells us here is not.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings! You always work things out for our good. We cannot help but overflow with praise for you and your greatness. We thank you for your knowledge, and how it guides us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.