
Mark 13:32
   Once again we must differentiate. That day occurs at the end of ‘those days’ and is not connected with ‘these things.’ So, this refers to the exact day and hour of the Second Coming. Many have wondered how that the Trinity could be true, and yet, that there could be a piece of knowledge that God the Son does not have? We know that Jesus emptied himself of much when he came to earth. His will is submitted to the Father’s will, but is not the same. He derives his knowledge from the Father, but the Father may choose to withhold this information. The balance to understand here is that this could only happen if the Godhead pre-determined that it would. And that is exactly how it happened. The Godhead decided all of this beforehand. Thus, the knowledge of Christ was already chosen before he was incarnated.
   As Jesus has already made clear, the general time of his Second Coming is predictable. But the exact time he tells us here is not.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings! You always work things out for our good. We cannot help but overflow with praise for you and your greatness. We thank you for your knowledge, and how it guides us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:31
   By the time that all which Jesus has told us about has come to pass, this present world will be totally different. The heaven and earth will be transformed, and life will be much different. This is in the future state after the restoration of all things. There will be no sin in this future time. And, the Word of Christ will still be absolute.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for the promise of the future time. It gives us hope in this present age. But, more than that, it reminds us that you are the Common Denominator, not this creation. You are the Measrue of All Things, and not us. It is to you that we must look for a true understanding of existence. Thank you for enabling us to have this kind of perspective. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:30
   To the question in all minds we immediately go. What does Jesus mean by saying that this generation would not pass before all of these things would be fulfilled? Well, it would be quite accurate to say that that current generation of Jews would not perish before the destruction of the temple.
   So, it is good to keep Jesus’ words concerning ‘these things’ and ‘these days’ separate. However, as we have seen, there is some overlap in that there is duality in the fulfillment of this prophecy. The same could be true here because the term ‘generation’ could refer to the existence of the Jews as a whole. We would also have to agree with the truth of that.
   As a result, it is best to see this as referring both to that current generation, and the existence of the Jews as a people. We know that there will still be Jews during the time of the end. We know that the Temple Mount will exist. We know that the Mount of Olives will exist. We know a lot becuase of what Jesus has told us in his Word.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the prophecy in your Word! It is a great comfort to my heart. You are truly great and powerful to know and plan the future. You are there already! Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:29
   Jesus is saying that his words should be taken as a guide as we make our way into the future. Just as being aware of his words provided a warning for those fleeing from the Roman attack on the Jews in 70 AD, it will warn those alive during the time of the great tribulation.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your marvellous Word! It gives us truth to find forgiveness for our past. It gives us peace and joy for our life today. And, it supplies hope and assurance for our future. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:28
   Jesus was always teaching. He used things in the environment around him to illustrate Scriptural truths. The disciples were familiar with the fig tree and how it grew and bore fruit. He didn’t have to go into any long explanations on that. He simply stated the fact as they were. They could generally tell what time of year it was on the basis of the stages of the tree’s growth.

Heavenly Father, you have given us your truth right where we can get to it. It is accessible. Thank you! Your many blessings fill our lives with joy and peace in spite of difficulties. Your great power is a comfort to us, for we know you hold tomorrow. I will praise you forever for your loving kindness, and for your truth. I the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:27
   The Lord will come for his own during that time yet future. So many things will happen then, but the rapture of the church, and the Second Coming of Christ will be the defining events.
   Some may try to criticise the language here. The reference to ‘four winds’ seems to fit with a ‘flat earth’ cosmology. But, this is just stylistic language. He is emphasizing the grandeur of this event by using beautiful language. We still do this now, even in our ‘scientifically correct’ day. Every place under heaven will be reached by these events. There will be no exceptions. The second coming will be very public. The rapture could only be hidden if there are few Christians around by the time it takes place.

Heavenly Father, you deserve the praise! How can we fathom the great things that you have planned? When we think of your works, and the depths of your love and mercy, we are speechless. Never will I ever be able to stop singing your praises. I want to bring honor to your name forever and ever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Taking a break from posting this week during VBS.


Mark 13:26
   The ‘in those days’ phrase in verse 24 tells us a lot. All of these events, marked by an ‘and then’ will occur during the end times. So, the appearing of the Lord in the clouds, and his power and great glory being revealed, will occur during that time.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your answers. You give us your truth, and it blesses our lives. Your care for us is so amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:25
   This verse is one of those that people will point to when they are trying to discount the Bible. Obviously, the stars can’t fall to the earth. If even one of the smallest of stars were to fall to the earth, falling wouldn’t be the right term. It would be a collision, and the earth would be completely destroyed. So, what does this mean?
   First of all, the verse does not say where these stars will fall to. So, this particular passage could refer to a phenomenon in outer space in the future that would cause stars to ‘fall’ towards other things. If black holes, gas clouds, big stars, etc were to start attracting stars, this would fit.
   However, we do have other places in Scripture (in Revelation) where it is said that the stars will fall to the earth. Well, we must keep in mind two things. First, our knowledge of the universe is limited. This falling of the stars to earth may make a lot more sense to us at some point. For example, the Bible mentions the circle of the earth and the courses of the seas, but we didn’t understand those things until after the first millennia. Secondly, and more significantly, the knowledge of the stars was much more limited in the time of Christ. One might think, why would that matter? As with these other things, couldn’t the Lord tell them what they didn’t even understand? Yes. But, if they didn’t understand, he may allow them to word it as they pleased. For example, if a modern individual were writing Revelation, likely some of the wording would be different. As a result, it is very possible that meteors, or something of that nature is in view. Revelation’s Wormwood judgment supports this idea. Also, as far as wording goes, we see in Jude that planets were referred to as ‘wandering stars’, which was due to the fact that planets move around in relation to the earth but stars appear fixed.

Heavenly Father, I am glad to know that your Word can be accepted and believed as reliable. I don’t have to accept absurdities to believe it. Though it flies against so-called conventional wisdom, it doesn’t transgress common sense. I know many are sad because they cannot find reason to believe it wholeheartedly. Many are mad because they refuse to accept just judgment. I am glad because it assures me of an eternal relationship with You, Almighty God, the most important Person there is. And, because of this relationship, I have a relationship with so many others who have accepted the truth. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:24
   The references to time here are absolutely crucial. In those days moves on to answering the second part of the disciples question. In those days, after that tribulation, moves on to describe the Great Tribulation which we can find more about in Revelation. Judgments I evolving the darkening of the sun and the moon will be serious business because this indicates the end of this age, and of this present world.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your blessings! Sometimes we can get so busy that we don’t even notice them. Its funny because your goodness is all around us. We would not have breath without your mercy. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.