
Mark 13:23
   We generally fail to recognize it, but Jesus is The Prophet. We think often of his role as priest and king, but forget this truth. He has told us more about the future than any other, and he is the Author of all other prophecy. He gave the other prophets the words to say. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy.
   This verse fits with a theme we find throughout the New Testament. Take heed, watch, be aware. We cannot sit back in this age of grace and assume we know everything. We need to be wise, wary, and alert.

Heavenly Father, this world doesn’t understand you. But, if we do not rely on you, we can fail to understand you too. May we always give you precedence over all else and try to understand your influence in everything. We must be prolific, but reflective. We must imagine, but think on You. We must constructive and compassionate. We must be like Christ! He is the model, but he is the Savior. He not only shows us how we should be, but makes us able to be that way. Thank you Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:22
   There will be those who simply claim to be prophets, whereas others will claim to be Messiahs. And, in these cases we must know that signs and wonders will not indicate anything. This is quite interesting in that all prophetic activity must now fall in line with Christ and his cause. The future has been told to such an extent that a pretender is hard pressed to stay in the mold. So, it is really easier to tell the impostors in this age because of the identity of Jesus. Because we know the True Messiah, it is easier to discern a false one. However, in spite of this, we are told here that many will be taken in by these pretenders.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Christ! He makes it all different. He is the test of fellowship, and he is the measure of truth. It is reassuring to be able to line up behind his standard. We don’t have to live in darkness, never knowing who may be true. Though we are not able to judge everything, we can at least know the Spirit and the form of the church. Christ keeps us on the straight and narrow. When we misunderstand him, then we stray from the way. All the praise goes to you for your wonderful plan dear Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:21
   Any time that there is great trouble there is a chance for false Messiahs to crop up. They prey on the needs of others, offering an empty hope to those who are suffering. Jesus warns us ahead of time that he will not appear in this way, so we need not be deceived.

Heavenly Father, thank you for telling us so much. Though there is a lot we still wonder about, you have given us all that we need. You are so wise! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:20
   If the Elect are those who the Lord has chosen, why would he need to shorten the time? Would they not go to heaven in any case? No, not necessarily. Again, we must remember this is prophecy. The Lord is speaking of a future time. So, it is for the sake of those who shall be the Elect that the days are shortened. At several points in the history of Israel the nation has neared extinction. But, it is spared from that for the sake of those who will be saved. During the time of the end the judgments will be such that if they continued for too long a time, all humanity would perish. But that will not happen for the sake of those who will belong to the Lord among them.

Heavenly Father, thank you for shortening your judgement for the sake of your beloved. You care for us and watch over us. Your power is great and we pray for those who will be recipients of your wrath. We pray for others, that they may escape that fate. I praise you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:19
   Every fulfillment of this prophecy will find this statement to be true. Which, of course, means that it must be worse in every case. The result of the Jewish revolt in the first century was not good, and was arguably the worst of all that had happened to them up to that point.
   The future judgment will be no different, and it will be unique in its horrific nature.

Heavenly Father, only you can care for us for all of our days. Only you can save our soul and give us heaven. Only you are always good and true. I will praise you for your greatness! Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:18
   This is one of those short little verses that we just skip over. However, it is very revealing. How so? Well, why would Jesus tell them to pray for their escape to not have to happen in the winter if he already knew exactly when all of this would happen? It would be easier to tiptoe around this. But, it is important to ask such questions.
   There are two answers. First, as we have already mentioned and explained, this prophecy has a double fulfillment. So, we are not speaking of just one event. One could occur in the dead of summer, and another some other time. Secondly, God communicates to us within time. So, even though Jesus knew exactly what would happen, the future actions of the Jewish people could still change the timing of future events. Jesus alludes to this principle in his wheat and tares parable. God allows history to take its course, so to speak. He knows what we will do, and what he will do, and still tells us to pray and ask for his will to be done.

Heavenly Father, help us to be thankful for the little things. Every little incident, every circumstance, every happenstance, is something you have allowed to come across our path. We must not assume their are accidents, but only events that were unintended by us. You are the Great and Mighty God of all. You show us your Power and Love in everything you have made, no matter how small. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:17
   Being pregnant or trying to nurse the young would slow the mothers down of course. Jesus is really painting a picture of a very difficult and dangerous time. This applies very well to the events surrounding the Jewish revolt and subsequent quashing later in that century. But, it will also apply to the time to come when the people of the Antichrist take control in Jerusalem.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful for your deliverance. We will escape the wrath to come, and we pray for those who will face it. Lord, your mercy is great, even though judgement is coming. You have given humanity more than a fair chance to accept the truth. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:16
   This likely refers to the outer garment or robe which was worn over the inner garment, or garments. Thus, for travelling it would be desirable to have the outer garment. If a man was working busily in the field, he might have strayed some distance from his original spot. But, Jesus encourages such a needful flight that leaving the outer garment behind would be the wiser thing.

Heavenly Father, your daily blessings are such a mercy! You supply our every need. Thank you for loving us, and caring for us. You are worthy of all our praise. We will honor you and serve you all of our days. Your righteousness shines forth to us and we see your great love and wisdom. We continually try to understand you, for that is the best goal of our life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:15
   In those days they generally had a flat roof that could be reached by a flight of stairs from the outside. So, it would be easy to exit from the housetop without entering the house.
   One might ask how this would apply if a person happened to not have such a housetop setup? And the answer is that this is not to be taken to mean that all would, but it is (like the rest of these coming verses) meant to encourage swiftness. To escape from the impending destruction quickly is the point of the passage.

Heavenly Father, it is a great comfort to know that you know the end from the beginning. Even though we do not have that knowledge, you have shared so much with us. Thank you for your wisdom. I will praise you for your loving kindness is amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.


Mark 13:14
   As is recommended here, be careful to understand what is being said here. The abomination of desolation, found in Daniel chapter 9, and also 11 and 12. But what is the abomination of desolation? It refers to any time that the temple is desecrated by an invading ungodly army. It happened not too long before the time of Christ with Antiochus Epiphanies. And, then it happened again not long after the time of Christ with Titus. It will happen again at the end of this age with the Antichrist, who as yet has not been revealed.
   This, so far, is fairly easy to understand. But, realize that many prophecies of Scripture have dual fulfillment. This is not a double meaning, but an additional meaning. The disciples had asked about the destruction of the temple, and the end of the age. Well, the abomination of desolation was a reality at the fall of the temple, but it will also be at the end of the age! So, what we see in connection with this prophecy has a fulfillment in the first century. But it is not, as some think, the only fulfillment. There is a yet future fulfillment outlined for us in the Revelation of Jesus Christ – let those that read understand!
   Some say that the direction to understand what one reads here is not said by Christ, but by Mark, or even is a later addition. Though it may have been inserted, it is not at all outside of the realm of possibility that Jesus actually interjected it. On several occasions Jesus reveals his eternal nature by his wording of things. He speaks from the perspective of a person that may speak to all of humanity, at all times in history – for he is there.

Heavenly Father, you are worthy of blessing and honor and power. All that we may ever hope to be we owe all to you! You are so wise and true. You have known the end from the beginning, for you are the God Who is there. Time is not a container for you, but a tool only. Thank you for your work in our lives! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.