Mark 13:3

Mark 13:3
   The backdrop is perfect here. The Mount of Olives is a very significant place to be when speaking about the last days. It is here that Jesus will return at the end. The site of the second coming is still waiting for him today. It’s continued existence is yet another testimony to the truth of Scripture.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great love for us! Knowing that you have history in your hand is so comforting! You know all that will happen in our lives and we can trust you with everything. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 13:2

Mark 13:2
  The destruction of the temple is quite complete. One of the most important things to understand about Scripture is that no other book predicts so much, and is right about all of it. The fact is that to attempt to fake a book like the Bible one would have to have a history-long line of cooperative conspirators. And even then success would be very doubtful. If it was done, that would still not guarantee the accuracy of prophecies yet unfulfilled, and would put the whole enterprise in jeopardy. Thus, to see the Word of God as a purely human book is, as is said, an excersize in futility.

Heavenly Father, we think we know so much,and yet we miss more than we think. May we always rely on your wisdom! You know the last page, and all the circumstances that tomorrow will present to us. Why would we trust ourselves? You know our path and can show us the way for our feet. How can we do anything but lean on you for our future. Thank you for your leading! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 13:1

Mark 13:1
   We are easy to impress aren’t we? The existence of a building is not nearly as grand as the permanence of it. How many grand structures have been torn down and trodden under? The many wonders of the ancient world are all but graveyards now. It is not the grandeur of our buildings, but the longevity that Holy Providence allows to them that really shows us greatness. And even then, that greatness may not be rooted in righteousness. He has allowed many buildings that stand for evil causes to stand for some time.

Heavenly Father, how can we neglect to awe over you and give so much credit to man? All of our accomplishments are something only if they have your blessing. You decide if the playwrite is remembered. You determine if art hangs long on the walls of time. You measure the life of a poem or the effectiveness of a novel. Only you can make a song sing forever. You are the Master Artist, and your creation is the greatest story ever told. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:44

Mark 12:44
   Of course, Jesus knew everything there was to know about this woman. However, anyone could see very easily that her gift was given at great cost to her. Before Jesus pointed her out, surely no one even noticed her. Imagine if you will the great honor that the Lord of Heaven and Earth stopped to recognize her humble gift.
   We think of cost in terms of overall amount. But God looks at the actual cost to us in terms of our overall net worth. This woman made a great sacrifice to give her gift.

Heavenly Father, will we ever know just how much you have given to us? Will we ever understand the great cost of our salvation? So often we do not even remember to thank you for it. May we praise you for it every single day! You are worthy of our everlasting gratefulness. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:43

Mark 12:43
This illustrates for us how God thinks of value. We see value in dollars and cents, but God looks at the big picture. A faithful Christian will give more to the work of the Lord in his or her lifetime than two or three millionaires will give to charity. And how so? By percentage. The millionaires will donate many thousands, and the Christian a paltry sum in comparison, but by percentage, the millionaires will fall short of the humble Christian giving to the Lord.

Heavenly Father, remind us how important our giving is, not that we might be puffed up, but that we might not lose heart. We want to honor you with our increase. You deserve all the glory, and all that we have. Thank you for all of your wonderful blessings! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:42

Mark 12:42
   The coin this woman dropped in would have been the smallest possible unit of money that could be possessed. It was worth precious little, and there being two meant little more. A working man could easily make this amount in the time it took for this woman to come by and give her gift. It perfectly illustrates the old idea of ‘next to nothing’ due to its small size.
    However, even before we get to Jesus’s great commendation of this gift, we can see that this was a beautiful thing that this woman did. This was likely a freewill offering, and she gave what she could. Indeed, many in her state would likely have given only one coin, and kept the other.

Heavenly Father, teach us to be generous, not greedy. You have given us so much, yet we often forget that. All praise is yours, for you are the only one who truly has it all! You can take care of us no matter what. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:41

Mark 12:41
  This was the temple treasury. People could cast freewill offerings in here. There was no requirement, but it was seen as appropriate to have an offering for sure. The rich were able, of course, to give hefty amount out of their great store.

Heavenly Father, help us in our giving! We must be willing to give, not compelled by a desire to be seen. Thank you for giving us so much! Our giving is only a result of yours. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:40

Mark 12:40
The scribes had evidently worked out a system by which they could ‘care’ for widows. However, their purpose in this was to take possession of and profit from the widows’ property. Also, though praying for a long time is not wrong, it is often done pretentiously, especially in public.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son to die for us. Your motivations are always good. You are pure and just. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 12:39

Mark 12:39
   Of course, these men would have veiled their desire for the grandiose. Jesus and his disciples held their last supper in an upper room. But Jesus here has ‘the best seats’ in mind. The scribes wanted to always be seen and applauded.

Heavenly Father, you have taught us that humility and service are the best path. Though we don’t understand sometimes, if we are patient, we see your great wisdom and blessing. Thank you for giving us the truth of your Word. You are so awesome! You have made all things and yet you have been patient with us. You have not rushed to judgement. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.