Mark 10:37

Mark 10:37
Don’t miss what they were asking for here. To sit on either hand of the Lord would mean quite a bit. This would be the places of honor reserved only for those who would have the position to go with it. It would make them close to the Lord in glory. It is a big request, to say the least!

Heavenly Father, thank you for being so wonderful. You deserve all of the glory. Help us not to forget that as we seek to promote ourselves. You are the Almighty Creator, and we are just your creations. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:36

Mark 10:36
This is one of the most remarkable statements of Christ. It really helps us understand the power of prayer. Jesus knew what James and John were going to ask for. He knew their motives, and he knew what he was going to answer them. And yet, he is open to their request. In other words, this shows us that his ears are open. Even when, many times, our requests aren’t exactly what he’s wanting to hear. He doesn’t refuse to listen even though he already knows that what we’re going to ask isn’t quite what we should be asking for.
This is a wonderful blessing! It shows that the Lord listens and cares about what we have to say. He doesn’t deal with us as enemies, but as friends. He treats us kindly. That is so amazing considering that he is infinite, and so much bigger than we are.

Heavenly Father, we know that you’re infinitely greater than we are. We know that your glory is absolute. We know that your knowledge is endless. But we know that you are kind! What a glory this is to you! Thank you for your great kindness to us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:35

Mark 10:35
It’s so easy to judge the disciples for doing this. James and John were obviously not completely in the right on this, and it is easy to jump all over them for it.
However, I would point out that, so often, we fail to ask God for anything. Though it is altogether possible to ask for the wrong thing, I would rather ask. Why? Because, at some level it at least shows trust in and dependence on God. Beyond this, it can be an indication of true motive. Though the Lord knows our motive, the fact that we would be this transparent with our goals is a good thing.
So, yes, James and John should have done this differently. But, it is better that they did it than it would have been if they hadn’t.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your understanding of us. You know how we are and what we really need. You can see our motives and help us to understand ourselves. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:34

Mark 10:34
One of my personal peeves in regards to theology is in connection with this verse. I have run into too many people who have failed to realize did Jesus knew he was going to rise again. Somehow, people have gotten the idea that Jesus wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen after he died. I guess that they think the second person of the Trinity wouldn’t be able to control what was going on, and would be unaware of what would happen. But that’s just not the case.
On several different occasions Jesus makes it clear that he knew he would rise again in three days. Any variation on this, or denial of this, is completely false. And why does this matter so much? Well, of all the things that Jesus knew, this was the most remarkable. To know that he was going to rise again, and more than that to know exactly when it was going to happen, is a testimony to his divinity.

Heavenly Father, you have all of the answers. You know all of the events of our lives. Thank you for giving us your truth! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:33

Mark 10:33
The phrase Son of Man is still misunderstood. In fact, it has been the source of quite a bit of confusion down through the years. This was a fairly unique saying of the Lord Jesus. However, we do find it several places in the Old Testament. It is not possible at this time to go into a long explanation of all uses of the term Son of Man. But, it will suffice to point out that Jesus does not always use this term to refer to himself. He seems to use it when he is speaking of certain things that he will do.
Many have said that the term Son of man points out the humanity of Christ. I think that interpretation is on the right track, but there’s a lot more to it. We tend to think of ourselves as human in every sense of the word. However, that’s not quite right. We are not what we were originally intended to be. Death, suffering, sorrow, and many other things have become a part of who we are because of sin. The Son of Man title reminds us of the fact that we can only truly be what human beings were intended to be through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is himself a very special human being.
Jesus is one of a kind. He is completely God, and completely man. And, he uses this term Son of Man when he talks about the things that he’s going to do to change eternity, the great things, the amazing things. And so, this term highlights the fact that Jesus is not simply one of the myriad of lives in the history of the world, but that he is the one life that lasts forever. It is only through him that any of us may truly become purely human.

Heavenly Father, we realize that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all. The various titles that are used for him just help us to understand all that you have done in your just help us to understand all that you have done in your Son. It is by Christ, the Word, that you framed the worlds. It is by Christ, and his Spirit, that you gave us the prophecy in the Old Testament and the New. It is through Christ that you brought salvation to this sin-sick world. It is in Christ that we will live and reign for all of eternity. Is in Christ that we find perfect peace. Thank you for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Mark 10:32

Mark 10:32
The disciples knew that Jesus was entering dangerous territory by going to Jerusalem again. They were afraid to follow him, wondering what might happen when they got there. Although this is a testament to their fear and apprehension, it does point out for us a very interesting thing. Jesus walked ahead of them on this occasion. So, how did it work out when they went to other places and the disciples were not so afraid?
On other occasions, its most likely that Jesus told them where they were going before hand. He probably did the same this time. But, on other occasions he would simply walk with who ever needed teaching at the time. The group, not being apprehensive, would walk along with their own pace, with some in the lead.
What a contrast this provides for us! On other occasions Jesus would be ministering to their needs. He would be teaching them, prodding them to move on in their understanding of the truth. But on this occasion, when he needed them the most, they were afraid to go with him. Is that not how we all are on occasion? We enjoy Jesus teaching, and we love to hear the truth, but when it’s time to follow him to the difficult places, we’re not sure we want to go.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us! Thank you that you love us no matter where you lead us. We can trust you even when you’re going in a direction that we wouldn’t go. Thank you for coming along side of us teaching us the truth. You love us so much! Thank you for that love you give to us in Christ. Thank you for Jesus, and his patience with us. You have done so much, we will submit to you. We love You Father. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:31

Mark 10:31
This is such an important concept. The rewards we will experience in this life and the next for our service to Christ will not work the way we might think. What does Jesus mean? How will the rewards work? Well, you can look to Jesus’ teaching elsewhere to find the answer. Some will have little and do little with it. Others will have much and do little with it. These will not be as richly rewarded. Those who do much with what they have been given will experience the greatest reward, regardless of how much they may have. Richness in the things of this world is not the only consideration, or even the primary one. A person’s knowledge of the Holy One, and what they do with it, is of great value.

Heavenly Father, thank you for being the best at deciding these things. Our petty standards would never work out. You have a perfect line by which to evaluate us. You can show us the true measure of our lives. You alone can give us value and meaning. You are our meaning and purpose. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:30

Mark 10:30
Christians find family in the church. There is such a bond found among the followers of Christ as to be like family. This does not mean that our blood family must be replaced by our Christian brothers and sisters. It just means that we have two families. When the one fails us, or is far away, we have the other.
In this life, regardless of the rewards, there will be persecution. But the eternal life is waiting for us.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the kinship we have in Christ! Thank you for always looking out for us. We know that that eternal life is ours through Christ in spite of persecution down here. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:29

Mark 10:29
What does Jesus have in mind here? What exactly does he mean by ‘leaving’ these things and people? Well, for an example, Paul seems to have had a wife at some point, but not during his ministry. Though we do not know, it may be that she left him because of his conversion. Peter we know had a wife and he spent a lot of time away from her it seems while following Christ.
So, this can mean one of several things. However, this does not require that all or any of these have to be left. It just means that in all likelihood, some or all of these will have to be left. The cause of Christ calls for a surrender to him, and that includes our location and loyalties.

Heavenly Father, it is so easy for us to forget that it is you that gives us these people in our lives to begin with. If your service necessitates leaving them, we should be willing to obey. Thank you for the blessings that we have in our lives becuase of the people that you have put in them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Mark 10:28

Mark 10:28
We could be really hard on Peter here, but his question was not as out of line as we might think. Jesus’ answer does not contain any correction, and the question was very connected to the context of this incident. So, really, it was good thinking on Peter’s part. Obviously, there may have been selfish reasons to ask it. But, I don’t really think that was the primary motive. Peter seems to be truly curious about the matter in light of Jesus’ teaching in regards to the rich.

Heavenly Father, thank you for answering our questions. It is easy to lose patience with those who are constantly asking questions. But, you never do. You guide us to the truth if we want it. You give us wisdom to understand things if we ask for it. How nice! We could never thank you enough. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.