Mark 1:23

Mark 1:23
   It might make us wonder how that a man possessed could be in the synagogue. But, this is not really that surprising for several reasons. Demonic possession, as we see throughout the gospels, does not always manifest itself in the same way. Some appear very ill or deranged. Others are very clearly overrun by an evil influence. Yet others might go for a time and not seem possessed at all. Thus, possession is not as clear cut as we might think. Also, even if the man was known to be a problem, it may be that the synagogue leaders thought they could help the man, or had admitted him out of a sense of openness to all of the community. Indeed, what is even more likely is that this particular outburst was quite uncharacteristic for the man’s condition, and that before this time no one had suspected the influence of the enemy.

Bible Reading: Zechariah 1:1-6:15

Scripture Memory: James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I keep coming back to this idea that you have my best interests at heart. Oh Father, help us to trust you implicitly, because you are worthy. I know that if I had the power to make the best possible plan for my life, and then carry it out, it would be exactly what you had in mind all along. I can’t outdo you when it comes to what is best for me. You can guide us, dear Father, even when we can’t see how to put one foot in front of the other. Why then do we often fail to follow your lead when we think that we can see clearly? Lord may we always let you guide. May we always be surrendered to your will. Thank you for your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who will be having surgery in a week. Pray for a little girl who is sick. Pray for a man with high blood pressure problems.

Journal Entry #15007

Mark 1:22

Mark 1:22
   Though it may seem to some foolish to presume, I think we can know why it is that Jesus’ teaching brought about such astonishment. This is not because we are somehow as wise as the Lord Christ. It is simply because we know the message of the gospel. We understand the great contrast between the teachings that the Jewish people were used to, and the contrast that the truth presents. This is not to say that Jesus astonished them only because of the content of his message. Jesus astonished them because he is the Christ, and it would only be expected for him to astonish all of his hearers. But, it is not just his own delivery of truth that impressed, it was also the message itself. For his message, the truth of God’s Word, is uniquely his own anyway. When it is taught today it still astonishes because it is his. The gospel minister is passing on not his own teaching, but the teaching of Christ. Paul said it this way: “We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
   In other words, the Lord Jesus astonished his hearers because the message of Christ contains this authority that the people sensed. Truth and authority go hand in hand. Absolute truth needs the approval of absolute power. Timeless truth needs the energy of a timeless existence. Transforming truth needs the influence of a transforming Agent. Christ taught of himself. And he did it clearly, directly, and with all of the authority of heaven.
   His message was very different from that of the scribes. They had man’s ways. They used subtle fables, fancy wordings, and showy analogies. Their teaching left the listener with an enigmatic idea of what was actually being said. Trying to be on the cutting edge of truth, they were so far out in left field they couldn’t find their own line of reasoning. They had to appear righteous, sagacious, elite, and powerful. But, a blow-fish will be sniffed out. And the people knew the difference.
  Jesus taught the same law, but he taught as thought that law had been written twenty-five minutes ago to a mankind that might go into eternity in the next five. Every word was important. What the text said, it actually meant. The Words of the Almighty Jehovah God they were all used to hearing suddenly became the words of their own dad or mom when they were growing up telling them the true lessons of life. It had a familiar, poignant, intensely significant ring to it. It seemed as if all of heaven and earth hung upon what was being said. Indeed, those who would have heard Christ would come away with a strong sense that what he had just said was more real and sure than the very ground underneath their feet. It was at the same time a beautiful dream and a rock-solid reality. Thus is the truth from the Christ.

Bible Reading: Zephaniah 1:1-Haggai 2:23

Scripture Memory: James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is easy for us to look at the lives of others and think that they have it all together. We wonder why we are not serving you as well as it seems they are. We think we need a change of scenery, or a different occupation. We get caught up in our circumstances and feel trapped. We think that if things were different we would somehow be better off. But no. Your ability to lead us and guide us does not change no matter what our circumstances may be. Yes, we need to be in your will. But your will for us will always start with exactly where we are right now. We have to be fully surrendered to your way in our present circumstances. Only then would we even know if a change is needed. Lead us in the way that you would have us to go, rather than what we might want. Father, I know that my purpose can be found right where I am. If you need me elsewhere you will not move me unless I am following you right where I am. Thank you for the Lord Jesus, he is the realm in which I need a change. I can grow in him every day. I do need a fresh start, and new horizon, a different home, another occupation, more responsibility, a different set of activities – and I need all of these within the person of Christ, not in my circumstances. All of the new and different that my soul longs for can be found in the familiar, constant, daily relationship with this Wonderful Person that I call Savior. If it were not so, what kind of a God would you be? Ah, all that we could ever need may be found in you, Almighty Creator. You are the theme of my song, the inspiration for my art, the spark of my imagination, the flame of my love, the motive for my ambition, the juice of my creativity, and the very expression of my meaning. You embody all that I need to explore for all of eternity. I can never exhaust all that I might find in your gentle gaze. Thank you for loving us, dear Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a husband and wife that are sick. Pray for a young lady with an important test today. Pray for a man who has cancer and is unsaved.

Journal Entry #15006

Mark 1:21

Mark 1:21
   Though synagogues were not directly a part of what had been commanded in the law, they seem to have worked in the favor of good doctrine on many occasions. And why is this? Well, though the hypocritical Jewish leaders did use the synagogues against Jesus, they had difficulty controlling them outside of Jerusalem. Indeed, the synagogue became a part of Jewish life and culture that somewhat transcended the temple worship at the time. Though this was not meant under the law, because of the prophesied failure of the law’s system due to disobedience, the synagogue became an idea seedbed for the gospel in Jewish life. Though this ‘new’ synagogue system was a man-made solution, it had one very helpful feature. There were many of them. Multitude and variety have their perfecting work when it comes to sifting out the evil of the mass of men. Though mob sentiment is never good, the collective sentiments of a large mass of people sifted out by these small institutions from city to city have a great work in crystallizing a good intent and better learning among the whole.
   Indeed, it is this very type of pattern that the church of Jesus Christ itself follows. Though the church has much more in the way of benefits and improvements than the synagogue could ever dream of, the pattern is somewhat similar. When we find a large number of congregations in various places, city to city, town to town, rather than large, mono-headed ecclesiastical synods or hierarchies, we find a greater sense of the true desire of Christ for his glorious church. The multiplicity filters out the weird tendencies instigated by our sinful frame and pulls together a beautiful body of persons who are unified in their intent to worship the Lord Jesus. So, if anything, the synagogue was, as John was to Jesus, a good (but temporary) forerunner to the church.
   It is then to the synagogue in Capernaum that Jesus comes to teach. We should not be, by the way, surprised that he was allowed entrance and audience. Even if he had not been familiar in some way to them, any teacher with some credit to his name might be found to have a minute to speak in this venue. Indeed, the synagogue was a good place for the less ‘accepted’ ideas to spout forth. Though this may be a danger in many cases, as we see here it is often a great blessing. The tide of the truth and revival will not generally issue forth from the seminary turrets, but from the makeshift pulpits of the country and inner-city churches.

Bible Reading: Nahum 2:1-Habakkuk 3:19

Scripture Memory: James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the messages yesterday and the things you have been teaching me over the last few days. It is amazing how it all goes together. I am sure you know just exactly what I need to hear. I finally realize that if I continue to make my life all that I ever hoped it would be I will fail. I can trust you because no matter how surrendered to you I become what you have in mind for my life is infinitely better than all that I might want for myself. I can trust you. You are the One who gave me hope to begin with. My very life is designed and made by you. You have the blueprints, so you can handle it. Oh Father, may we all live in service to you! You are worthy of our very breath! To live for you is a joy, and to come to you would be far better. May we live to serve your ways and will for our lives. You have the best plan. Let me lay mine down so that I might see what yours looks like. I know that if I do I must accept all that it is with joy. But, I have no fear of your plan because I know it is the consummation of all that I could ever hope to be. You have never let me down. Thank you for your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man hoping to come home from the hospital this week. Pray for a man hoping to get out of rehab this week. Pray for a woman burdened for several lost family members.

Journal Entry #15005

Mark 1:20

Mark 1:20
   As we read Scripture it is sometimes easy to lose touch with the reality of the lives of those who are found there. But, these were real people. They had loves and concerns, and fears, just as anyone has. So, do not miss the human element in the Bible accounts.
   For example, we see here in this verse an extra piece of information that was deemed worthy of inclusion. Given Mark’s quick style, any included facts are worth noting. This gospel doesn’t throw in much detail, so where details are found they are to be noted especially.
   What is this detail? The leaving of Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants. This could have been left out completely and not have been missed. We would not have known this fact from this gospel at all had it not been mentioned. It would have not been seen as missing from the story. The flow of thought would have remained unhindered. And yet, here it is. Why?
   Well, though some two thousand years later it seems needless, the mention of an individual’s father would have been quite important at the time. That Mark here records the structure of James’ and John’s occupation in that it was apparently a family business would surely be special to them. Though we have no connection to Zebedee, it would make all the difference if this were our own kin being left behind as we went to serve Christ. Indeed, all of a sudden, the story would take on altogether new meaning. We might ask questions like, why was Zebedee left behind, and not invited to follow Christ with the rest? Were some others there that day that were invited, but failed to follow? Was Zebedee happy about the situation that his sons left him in? These are the kinds of questions we begin to ask when we remember that the Bible is not a dead book. It is alive, and it records the lives of real people who were changed by the Eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Bible Reading: Micah 4:1-Nahum 1:15

Scripture Memory: James 5:2 “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so glad that we can always trust you! You are never untrustworthy. Your faithfulness is absolutely unquestionable. I can look to you at any time and find you exactly where you have always been, in charge of it all. You have not fallen, flinched, retired, abated, or taken a break. You are constant. All that I see that is so regular, like the marching of time, finds its regularity in you. I can depend upon Christ not only for life eternal, but for life today. All that I am may rest upon his Sovereign Person. I can stake all that I have and all that I am upon his continued love and steadfastness in any second of the day. Never will I find him to fail me. He is always there. And why, because you owe this to me? No. Simply because of your awesome glory! You are above all, you are over all, you are more than all! There is not one shred of worthiness in my soul, and yet that makes no difference before the absolute power of your gracious love. You, dear Father, have given all to us through Christ, and yet you have lost nothing. You have gained all glory while giving so much to your servants. Christ has paid the greatest price, but is yet richer than all of eternity can fathom. You dear Lord are the Consummation of Holiness, the Absolute Expression of Brightness, and the Very Definition of Love. I bow before you in awe and devotion. May I always find myself surrendered to you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man in the hospital in poor condition. Pray for a man with cancer in both of his kidneys. Pray for a woman who lost a loved one at this time last year.

Journal Entry #15004


I am still quite swollen and on pain meds. But, I plan to resume blogging tomorrow morning.

One Week

I will be having oral surgery this week. I am also taking the week off from blogging for extra reflection time as I gear up for the new year. Have a great week!

Mark 1:19

Mark 1:19
   From what we can gather, these were the business associates of Peter and Andrew. While Peter and Andrew were out fishing, James and John were fixing their net so they could go out once again. Though they may have had separate boats, it seems likely that they were not competitors, but friends. Jesus, then, picks his first followers from a group of small business owners.

Bible Reading: Daniel 4:1-6:28

Scripture Memory: James 5:2 “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your love is the theme of our song! How could we ever truly understand just how much you love us? That you would have the patience with us that you have is simply a testimony to your great glory.Indeed, your whole plan of redemption for our souls is a beautiful proof of your Almighty Sovereignty, your Absolute Power, your Perfect Holiness. You are worthy of the praise! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who has been though a lot of medical treatment this year. Pray for a man awaiting the results of a medical test.

Journal Entry #14346

Mark 1:18

Mark 1:18
   We have in this verse two very important ideas. For one, these brothers forsook their nets. This translation of the word is very appropriate. It means more than that they simply dropped their nets. They gave them up. They left off caring about them. They were finished with that part of their life.
The second significant idea is expressed by the fact that they followed Christ. The word here means more than to simply follow because someone is going in the direction you want to go. This signifies following a leader, becoming a disciple. They were choosing to follow Christ as their Teacher and Master.
   One other important thing to notice in this verse is the structure of the sentence. It is not completely clear in the English, but it is in the Greek. These men immediately followed Christ. The forsaking of the nets was an attendant circumstance. It is secondary, whereas the following is the primary idea.
   This is very applicable because we often will remind ourselves of all that must be given up to follow Christ. However, the forsaking of other employments is secondary to the decision to follow the Master. If an individual is truly trusting Christ fully, the leaving of other entanglements is much more simple. Thus, we should avoid telling people what they must give up for Christ before we tell them why they should follow him. True followers will accept the price, but others will fail to do so.

Bible Reading: Daniel 2:1-3:30

Scripture Memory: James 5:2 “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this wonderful Christmas Day! It’s great to have family all around us! We love you so much and we love each other so much! Having these wonderful children, and Lord, a safe and happy home, is such a blessing! Lord we ask that you bless another year if it be your will so that we may be witnesses for you everyday. Help our children to have faith in you. And Father help us to continually faithfully serve you with patience and kindness. O thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ you sent so long ago to die for us! We’re so glad that we can have salvation from our sins! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for several people who are recovering from the flu. Pray for a man in a rehab hospital.

Journal Entry #14345

Mark 1:17

Mark 1:17
   In the history of all the world there has never been such an invitation. Never before or since has so much been asked, and yet so much given for the task. The work of the gospel ministry is the highest calling anyone could ever follow. As some have said, if you are called to the ministry, do not stoop to being a king. It is a job with more danger than any other. The hours are long, the stakes are high, and martyrdom is not uncommon. But, as Jesus himself made plain, the treasure laid up in heaven for those who faithfully carry out the gospel ministry is unfathomable. Great thinkers may influence men’s minds, generals may force men’s bodies, artists may inspire one’s expression, but the minister only, by Christ, transforms one’s soul.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-Daniel 1:21

Scripture Memory: James 5:1 “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day together! Christmas is a great time of year! You’ve given us so many blessings it is overwhelming. We could never even list all of your blessings, let alone thank you for every single one of them. But, please help us to remember to thank you for all that we can. As we realize your role in our lives, we begin to actually live. The content of our character, the quality of our experience, and the fervency of our love are all affected by our understanding of you. Thank you for the Christ child! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for those who are away from each other due to sickness today. Pray for the lost. Pray for those who are homeless at Christmastime.

Journal Entry #14344

Mark 1:16

Mark 1:16
   The occupation of fishing is so very much like the occupation of the gospel ministry. The net is cast. Various sea creatures are taken in. A few will be chosen, some will be missed. The fishing may be very poor in one area, and rich in another. Some can hardly be reached, whereas others will be missed due to great numbers in one place. It is a job that takes up many hours of the day, and can involve the night hours as well. In almost every particular, fishing is like preaching.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 44:1-46:24

Scripture Memory: James 5:1 “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to this earth for us. Thank You for the wonderful message of the gospel. And, thank you for allowing us to ‘fish’ in this great work. It is an honor for each believer to work in this great task. May we win souls daily! Thank You for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for  a man in the hospital. Pray for a man who is recovering from a serious condition.

Journal Entry #14343