Matthew 24:32

Matthew 24:32
   The parable of the fig tree has caused no end of speculation as to its intended meaning. However, the purpose of the fig tree parable is to remind the disciples of the purpose of prophecy. The purpose of prophecy is to let us know what time it is. This is what Jesus is illustrating here. The fig tree lets us know what time it is in its process of life. We don’t know exactly when things will happen with that fig tree, but we know it will follow a certain pattern. Prophecy is the same. God is not going to tell us exactly when certain things will happen. But, he has given us some general guidelines to measure the time by. So, just like we can know what will happen next with the fig tree, we can know what will happen next to this old world.

Bible Reading: Job 24:1-28:28

Scripture Memory: James 3:6 “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the Christ! Jesus is all that I could ever need Him to be. He alone can save my poor soul from this dying world. The pull of sin is too much for me, I must have Christ in my life. He makes me able to live in righteousness. He gives me the life I have. I can be myself and be good at the same time. This is the miracle of the new birth. Jesus in me is truly the hope of glory. Without Him I would have nothing. The pleasures of sin would leave me and forsake me one day. I would be hopeless and without God in a lonely world. Oh Father, thank You for Him! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad’s recovery from heart surgery. Pray for a woman in the hospital. Pray for some young people going through a difficult time in their lives.

Journal Entry #14254

Matthew 24:31

Matthew 24:31
   Though it would be easy to tie this verse to the rapture, that is not what Jesus seems to be referencing here. This gathering is in connection with His second coming, not the rapture, even thought he rapture will occur around this same time. This is one of the important points in end-times prophecy. Not everything is going to be connected to the rapture. The rapture is not the main event, so to speak. The second coming is the focus.

Bible Reading: Job 21:1-23:17

Scripture Memory: James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us! You have given us so much truth. You have blessed us by sending Your Son to die for us. You are so merciful and just. May we live to praise You always! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a woman recovering from surgery.

Journal Entry #14253

Matthew 24:30

Matthew 24:30
   There will be no mistake about the second coming of Christ. All will see Him. The sign that is here mentioned is not explained. We don’t know exactly what that sign will be. Though it seems likely that Christ Himself is the sign they shall see. There will be great sadness among the people of the world during the time of God’s wrath.

Bible Reading: Job 17:1-20:29

Scripture Memory: James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your truth. You give us the opportunity to accept Christ now and avoid that judgment. Thank You for Your mercy. May we live to praise You and warn others of the coming wrath. Your love in us makes us want to see people saved from the end. Thank You for allowing us to be a part of the gospel message. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad as he recovers from heart surgery. Pray for a family that just lost a loved one.

Journal Entry #14252

Matthew 24:29

Matthew 24:29
   Any attempt to apply this verse to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD will fail. This is proof of the fact that, though Jesus does answer their first question, He focuses on their second and third. This darkening and calamity do not have to be taken figuratively. The judgments of the end times will bring about these things in actuality. It will be a time of catastrophe in heaven and earth.

Bible Reading: Job 14:1-16:22

Scripture Memory: James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much. When I think of Your plans for this world, and You great glory, I am reminded that it would be your right to destroy us all. But You don’t do that. You have been merciful. Thank You for Your love! You are so gracious and kind to us. May we live to praise Christ forever. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a man who has been in the hospital for a long time.

Journal Entry #14251

Matthew 24:28

Matthew 24:28
   Carrion is easily spotted by those birds that make it their meal. Jesus is signifying a couple of things here. First, the Jews would experience great slaughter at the hand of the Romans. However, this has been true several times since then in history as well. Second, when Jesus arrives the best way to know will be the flight of the scavengers. He is coming for judgement, and it shall be swift. In other words, he is saying that he will go directly to work. He is not coming to warn anyone. He is coming in wrath.

Bible Reading: Job 10:1-13:28

Scripture Memory: James 3:4 “Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, withersoever the governor listeth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we not miss the plan that You have for this world. We so often seem to have our own way of thinking and miss Your truth. Exchanging the truth for a lie is never worth it. You alone have been honest with us. Thank You for Your goodness in telling us what Your plans are. You are so powerful, and yet so gracious to us. All glory belongs to you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a man who has emotional issues. Pray for a man who hurt his foot.

Journal Entry #14250

Matthew 24:27

Matthew 24:27
   In other words, just as the lightning cannot be controlled, predicted, or totally prepared for, the time and manner of Jesus’ arrival will be out of our ability to forecast. We know about it what we need to know. And that is simply that we must be as prepared as possible before that day. Keep in mind here though, neither I nor Christ is referring to the rapture here. That will happen in the same way, unpredictably. But, there are signs that the second coming is drawing near, signs that serve as a reminder that both the sudden rapture and the sudden return of the Christ are drawing nigh. Be ready!

Bible Reading: Job 7:1-9:35

Scripture Memory: James 3:4 “Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, withersoever the governor listeth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we must never forget that, no matter how worried we might be, You are not the least bit anxious. You have never for a minute wavered or doubted Your own plan. Though it was a difficult way, it was the best way, and Your Christ stands ready to overcome the hoards of evil upon Your command. You are the glorious Lord God Almighty! None can change that! May this world understand that true Christians have no need to resist evil, for the hourglass of Your wrath is running low. Christ is the owner of this old world, and it is He that will make it over to His liking. Thank You for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a couple preparing to travel as missionaries.

Journal Entry #14249

Matthew 24:26

Matthew 24:26
   The orthodox of the Jewish nation are still looking for the Messiah today. And, when they think they have found him, Jesus here warns us that they, as well as others, will be quite convinced that this impostor is the Messiah. He is helping us to understand ahead of time what will happen. Satan needs a Christ if he will attempt to subvert God’s truth.

Bible Reading: Job 4:1-6:30

Scripture Memory: James 3:4 “Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, no substitute of the devil can match to the Christ. Jesus is that One that has frustrated the plans of the evil one completely. Though he may try, he will fail. His doom is sure. All glory to the Christ! He is your darling Son! He is Lord of Heaven and earth! He is Jesus, our Savior! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a woman recovering from a failed surgery.

Journal Entry #14248

Matthew 24:25

Matthew 24:25
   Jesus is not saying that He had told them these things before. He is saying that He was telling them these things beforehand. This message is for this entire age. We must not be fooled by the deceptions of the devil. Christ will not return the way He left in the sense that He will not just be coming to live here among us, but to rule and reign. There is no need to trust in anyone who simply claims to be Christ. No more Messiahs are needed. When Jesus comes, all will know that it is He.
   Jesus really is not telling the disciples as much about this present age as we usually think. God has chosen not to reveal much about this present age. His focus prophetically in scripture is more on the time before Christ, and the time of the end at the second coming of the Lord Jesus. In this present age there is no need for more facts to be revealed, for God commands all to believe the gospel. To believe, and accept Christ so as to be prepared for His return is the prophetic message for our time.

Bible Reading: Esther 9:1-Job 3:26

Scripture Memory: James 3:3 “Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the good news about Your Son. May we preach the gospel to the whole world! Christ, come soon! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad. Pray for a man with cancer.

Journal Entry #14247

Matthew 24:24

Matthew 24:24
   The convincing works of the false prophets of this world will be overshadowed only by the lying wonders of the antichrist, beast, and false prophet of Revelation. Jesus makes it clear that the deceptions of the devil will be more than enough to take in the entire unsaved world.

Bible Reading: Esther 4:1-8:17

Scripture Memory: James 3:3 “Behold, we put bits in the horse’s mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this day. May we never forget that every day belongs to You. Though there is great evil in this world, evil will one day be done. Though many say that is a dream, it is only to be expected that evil cannot last. Otherwise it wouldn’t be evil. Thank You for Your truth. You do not fail to tell us how things really are, even though You know many will not believe You. Thank You for Your love in spite of our wickedness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad as he recovers from open heart surgery. Pray for a man with spiritual needs. Pray for a man who is in charge of an international ministry.

Journal Entry #14246

Matthew 24:23

Matthew 24:23
   There is no reason to look for Jesus. The disciples wanted to know the sings of His coming. But what he is revealing to them is that, though there will be signs of the time of His coming, there will be no way of knowing exactly when He will come. We need not search for Him here on earth. For, when He comes again to this little planet, all will know that it is He, and that He has come.

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 13:1-Esther 3:15

Scripture Memory: James 3:3 “Behold, we put bits in the horse’s mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to serve You! You have given us so much. You have blessed us above measure. You are holy and just and so very good! To You must go all the praise and thanks that we can give. Thank You for Your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for my Dad as he recovers from heart surgery. Pray for two women having major surgery this week.

Journal Entry #14245