Matthew 5:1

1: It is likely that Jesus went to a higher place not to escape the multitude, but to let them all hear better. However, those who could be called his disciples came yet closer to him. This is always the pattern. Those who are the most interested in the truth will go to the front of the class so as to learn that much better. The crowd, who may only hear for the sake of hearing, not necessarily learning, will stay at the outer edge in the further seats. If they must get some things second hand they are not upset. Jesus was, of course, aware of this commonality. Thus, his going into the ‘mountain’ would help people hear and draw the true disciples to the front of the crowd.

Personal Journal Entry #12141
Prayer Journal Entry #12141
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 25:1-28:27
Praise Journal Entry #12101: Heavenly Father, I want to be at the front of the class. Give us that desire Lord. Inspire us to want You with all our heart. A thirst for You will never let us down. You are worth searching for, seeking after, and following with all our hearts. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:25

25: We often miss the fact that quite a number of people followed Jesus early on. This is a large region mentioned here, from which many people came.

Personal Journal Entry #12140
Prayer Journal Entry #12140
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 25:1-28:27
Praise Journal Entry #12100: Heavenly Father, help us to remember that the response to Your Truth has truly been great. Often we feel as if nobody believes. Help us to be mindful of the countless multitudes both today and in the past that have turned to Christ in faith. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:24

24: Jesus healed every type of distress that might come to a person. He healed illnesses, chronic conditions, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, etc. He also delivered those who had been possessed by demons. Thus, Jesus delivered many who would have no hope of a cure otherwise.

Personal Journal Entry #12139
Prayer Journal Entry #12139
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 21:1-24:27
Praise Journal Entry #12099: Heavenly Father, thank You for healing our diseases. Sin is such a terrible thing, and yet You give us relief from it. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. You always know what we need from You. May we keep our hands constantly open to You, and closed to this world. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:23

23: Jesus taught many times in the synagogues. This was the best place to reach the Jewish population with the Truth. It is said here that he preached the gospel of the kingdom. Many have conjectured that, had the Jews accepted him as the Messiah as a nation, he would have set up his earthly ‘kingdom’ at that time. The fact is that God already knew the Jews would not respond well to his coming. This is why we see throughout Jesus’ ministry an emphasis on him as the Messiah, not the timing of the earthly kingdom. The only way for the Jews to be prepared for an earthly kingdom would be to accept the Messiah by faith. They were ready to accept one who worked miracles, but they were not willing to accept him on the basis of what was written about him in the Word of God.
It must also be noted that Jesus performed a greater number and variety of miracles for the Jews than had ever been performed before in history. He healed passing sicknesses as well as long-standing diseases.

Personal Journal Entry #12138
Prayer Journal Entry #12138
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 18:1-20:37
Praise Journal Entry #12098: Heavenly Father, thank You for the miracles that You have given us. But, Father, I thank You so much more for the Truth. Though miracles let us know how wonderful You are, the Word lets us know how much You love us. Transform our lives by Your Word. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:22

22: In the case of James and John no less of a call was issued to them than Peter and Andrew. They also responded with an immediate abandonment of their present business. It was, as we see, the family trade. This was not to be left lightly. And, they did not leave it lightly. The were called to something more important.

Personal Journal Entry #12137
Prayer Journal Entry #12137
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 13:1-17:19
Praise Journal Entry #12097: Heavenly Father, thank You for caring enough to guide our lives. Thank You for leading us day by day, step by step. You are so merciful and kind to us. May we praise You for Your faithfulness forever. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:21

21: It is amazing to see the difference that God can make in a person’s life in a short period of time. Not many years later, James would be martyred for the gospel. John would serve the Lord for many years, much longer than he was a fisherman.

Personal Journal Entry #12136
Prayer Journal Entry #12136
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 9:1-12:16
Praise Journal Entry #12096: Heavenly Father, thank You for sometimes allowing us to serve You allongside family members. It is a great blessing to work with any of Your servants. However, it is an extra comfort to have our family close by. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:20

20: This is the nature of the call of God on a person’s life. Peter and Andrew did not follow because Jesus possessed some magical drawing power. Nor was it a magnetic personality or extra charisma in him that moved them. They simply knew Who was calling them. They were responding to the Truth. They recognized the legitimacy of a higher calling. They saw that there was more to life than fishing. There is a great eternity out there ahead of us, and they saw Jesus, as he is, the key to life in that eternity. It is for this reason that they were willing to leave so much to follow him.

Personal Journal Entry #12135
Prayer Journal Entry #12135
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 6:1-8:18
Praise Journal Entry #12095: Heavenly Father, thank You for calling us to a higher plane. Thank You for making it possible for our lives to be elevated beyond the tyranny of the mediocre, mundane, and even macabre. As we seek to humble ourselves before Your awesome glory, You graciously lift us above the common forces of our sinful nature. O Father, thank You for Salvation from this body of death! Thank You for a truly alive and abundant life from You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:19

19: Jesus was not the first teacher to have disciples. Nor was he the first to invite others to learn the art of fishing for men. However, he was different from any other teacher, and he called his disciples to fish for souls in a new way. Usually, disciples would choose their master, but for Jesus, as the Son of God, the Master needed to choose the disciples.
Simon and Andrew understood, at least on a basic level, what Jesus was calling them to. They also, basically, understood who he was.

Personal Journal Entry #12134
Prayer Journal Entry #12134
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 1:1-5:14
Praise Journal Entry #12094: Heavenly Father, thank You for calling us to lives of service for You. We are not worthy to carry Your great gospel to this world, but we are blessed to do so. You always know what is the best for us. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:18

18: Jesus had already met these two earlier. Andrew had been with John the Baptist, and was one of his disciples.

Personal Journal Entry #12133
Prayer Journal Entry #12133
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 27:1-29:30
Praise Journal Entry #12093: Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding our lives. You give us a goal to aim for, a standard to attain. Though many think a high standard only leads to discouragement and failure, that is why Christ is in our life as Christians. Thank You for enabling us to live as You would have us to. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 4:17

17: Jesus’ initial message was identical to that of John. Those trying to explain away the divinity of Christ might say that he learned what to say from John, and that early on that was as far as his message had developed. However, this is not the case. Instead, Christ wanted to connect his ministry with John’s in people’s minds. Indeed, this desire to be connected with John can be seen throughout Jesus’ ministry.

Personal Journal Entry #12132
Prayer Journal Entry #12132
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:32
Praise Journal Entry #12092: Heavenly Father, thank You for the Lord Jesus Christ. Without the message of the gospel this world would be a dark place. Thank You for the Light that shines in the darkness. Help us to be light-bearers for You to every nation. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.