Matthew 2:3-4

3: Herod was troubled because of his present position. He was the king of the Jews, but was not Jewish. He was an Edomite, from Esau. He was also in power at the will of the Romans. These two factors would make him fear any supposed king arising from the Jews themselves, especially if it were from the tribe of Judah.
The people of Jerusalem were troubled for more surprising reasons. Though there were surely many who rejoiced in the thought of the advent of the Messiah, most were afraid of the Romans. They felt that anyone who would threaten to throw the careful balance of power into convulsions was no friend of theirs. Thus, any shred of belief in the Messiah that they held was far overshadowed by their fear of losing the peace they had obtained.
4: It is amazing, though not surprising, that one who called himself the king of the Jews would know so little about the Old Testament.

Personal Journal Entry #12090
Prayer Journal Entry #12090
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 13:1-14:52
Praise Journal Entry #12050: Heavenly Father, it so good to know that You are never out of sorts. You never become worried or afraid. You are never out of control. For You, a perfect balance is easy. Father, may we drink deeply of the Peace that is found in You. I want true peace and contentment in my life. Thank You for all that You have done to make our lives full of joy and peace. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

Matthew 2:2

2: There has been much speculation as to the identity of these men from the east and the star that they followed. The wise men, or magi, of the eastern countries would think themselves lazy to miss such an vision in the heavens as a star that was showing strange behavior. That this star was from God is made evident by the gospel accounts. The means by which these men came to conclude that this star indicated the birth of the King of the Jews need not be questioned. Though the magi might at other times have come to conclusions that would indicate questionable methods, there can be little doubt that they had, at some level, a scriptural basis for their conclusions.

Personal Journal Entry #12089
Prayer Journal Entry #12089
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1-12:25
Praise Journal Entry #12049: Heavenly Father, thank You for family and friends. Thank You for our homes and churches and all the blessings that come to us through them. You are the Father of blessings. May we live a life aware of the blessings You give, and mindful of our response to them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 2:1

1: Matthew gives us a clue here as to the time of Jesus’ birth. Herod is a well-know figure, and we know when his reign ended. Many would try to deny the truth of Matthew’s account, but the gospels are accurate historical accounts of the life of Jesus Christ.

Personal Journal Entry #12088
Prayer Journal Entry #12088
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 5:1-8:22
Praise Journal Entry #12048: Heavenly Father, thank You for the Truth of Your Word. It brings stability to our lives. It gives us a sure foundation to work from. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:24-25

24: Joseph brought the betrothal to an immediate end. He took Mary into his home right away. Though this was a break with custom, he was concerned for her welfare. Besides this, it would help alleviate the multitude of comments that uncaring individuals might make concerning the inferred illegitimacy of the birth.
25: Joseph did not, however, perform certain duties as a husband until after the birth of Christ. This shows what a good man he was. He gave Mary and the child a home, and yet waited until the Lord’s time to consummate his union with Mary.

Personal Journal Entry #12087
Prayer Journal Entry #12087
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 2:1-4:22
Praise Journal Entry #12047: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. We are so limited, and yet You see fit to guide us in the way which we should go. It is always so great to have a Map on hand. You are the guiding Light and the Way we must travel. I love You, Lord. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:23

23: Jesus was indeed virgin born. Emmanuel was not, however, his common name. It seems that the name Emmanuel was intended to explain exactly what the angel said to Mary. This was the Son of God. The name Jesus, which the angel specifically gave to Joseph for the boy, served a more direct purpose. Although Jesus was the Son of God, his name, Jesus, pointed out what he was here for.

Personal Journal Entry #12086
Prayer Journal Entry #12086
Daily Bible Reading: Ruth 2:1-1 Samuel 1:28
Praise Journal Entry #12046: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness in sending Your Son to us. I can never fathom the depth of Your love. You have made our lives worth living by Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:22

22: The prophecy here is found in Isaiah chapter seven and verse fourteen.

Personal Journal Entry #12085
Prayer Journal Entry #12085
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 20:1-Ruth 1:22
Praise Journal Entry #12045: Heavenly Father, thank you for another day to serve You. Your daily mercies and comforts are wonderful. Your faithfulness encourages us to be faithful to You. May we always realize that it is so worth it to serve You. Life is richer when we follow the path You lay out for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:21

21: The name of Christ is one of great comfort to all mankind. Jesus means Savior in every sense of the word. He is the promised redeemer.

Personal Journal Entry #12084
Prayer Journal Entry #12084
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 17:1-19:30
Praise Journal Entry #12044: Heavenly Father, thank You for salvation! Never can I ever thank You or praise You enough for Christ! He is so Wonderful! You are so Wonderful! Almighty God, help us to live lives that reflect our gratitude for the Savior. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:20

20: Joseph did not rush into anything, and while he was thinking out his course of action, the Lord communicated his plan to Joseph. This occurred in a dream in which an angel, possibly Gabriel, told him what to do. Dreams were a common method of revelation, especially in ancient times. He tells Joseph directly that the child had no earthly father.

Personal Journal Entry #12083
Prayer Journal Entry #12083
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 13:1-16:31
Praise Journal Entry #12043: Heavenly Father, thank You for communicating with us. I am so thankful for this. That you would take the time to tell us Your plan. It is so important to be able to come to You and talk about the things of life. It is good to be able to find answers in Your Word. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:19

19: Before Joseph was informed by God concerning the specific course of action he needed to take, he was trying to come up with a good plan. Here again we see that God chose not only Mary, but also, Joseph. He was not a base fellow. He was a good man who could not countenance the birth of an illegitimate child. However, because he was good, he also loved Mary and any child she might have. He was not, as a result, willing to bring charges against her. Instead, his plan was to divorce (break off their betrothal) her quietly.

Personal Journal Entry #12082
Prayer Journal Entry #12082
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 10:1-12:15
Praise Journal Entry #12042: Heavenly Father, though I know we are but dust, and are evil altogether without You, I thank You for changing us. Thank You for Your Truth, which makes us good. Thank You for Your son, who has saved our soul from destruction. You can change anyone who is willing to be changed. To You be all the Glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 1:18

18: It may not have been often said, but needs to be, that God evidently chose a betrothed woman on purpose. Being betrothed was almost altogether the same as being married. Everyone knew that Joseph and marry were betrothed. For them to be found pregnant during the betrothal period, as long as Joseph claimed the child, would not be seen as improper (though very out of the ordinary). Thus, we see that God chooses not only a woman that is a virgin, but one that is already promised to a man who will listen to God, and not put her away. This is quite significant. Without Joseph, the life of Mary and Jesus would have been quite different.

Personal Journal Entry #12081
Prayer Journal entry #12081
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 8:1-9:57
Praise Journal Entry #12041: Heavenly Father, thank You for unnoticed blessings. You do so many things that few of us ever realize or thank You for. Yet, You do them anyhow. Thank You for Your faithfulness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.