Matthew 28:6

6: The angel reported the exact facts. This was his job. Many might expect a messenger of God to simply say something and expect everyone to believe. In this case, the angel was very interested in substantiating his statement in their minds. He invites them to consider the evidence.
Notice also the angel’s words about the resurrection. Jesus rose just as he said he would. Some have surmised that Jesus did not know for sure that he would rise. This is simply not the case. Jesus knew exactly what he was doing, and was in control of the entire process.

Personal Journal Entry #12060
Prayer Journal Entry #12060
Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-2:37
Praise Journal Entry #12021: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your confidence, and the confidence that You impart to us. Just as Jesus knew that he would rise again, we can know that we have life through him. Without this certainty, life would be so scary. Thank You for the assurance of Truth that we find in You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 28:5

5: The angel’s appearance would scare anyone. However, he was there for the benefit of those whom he now spoke to. He knew who they were coming to find. Jesus would from this point on be identified as the one who was crucified. Rather than avoiding that appellation, the angel uses it as if it is the most common way of referring to Christ.

Personal Journal Entry #12059
Prayer Journal Entry #12059
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 34:1-36:13
Praise Journal Entry #12020: Heavenly Father, that You for Your messengers, whether they be angels or men. The messengers of the gospel are always welcome to the heart that is in need. Your Truth is a balm to the hurting, a strength to the weak, and a foundation for the strong. Father, You are our Anchor for life. Thank You for Your Son, the Lord Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 28:3-4

3: The angel looked like a blot of lightning. This simply means that one looking at him would see lightning to the same degree that they would see his bodily form. Also, his clothing was the whitest white that one might care to imagine. We often miss the significance of clothing. Angels need not cover their glory with clothes, nor are they cold and in need of physical warmth. Instead, the whiteness of their attire is a greater glory than its absence would be. Just like man, the angels must get what they have from Almighty God. Therefore they would not have these garments if God had not specifically designed that they should have them.They do not cover glory, but enhance it.
4: It was not the earthquake that scared the Roman guard. It was the appearance of the angel which did this. Whether they then fainted, or were paralyzed, is not clear. However, even if they had had complete control of their faculties at this time, they would have, nor could have, done nothing to prevent this angelic being.

Personal Journal Entry #12058
Prayer Journal Entry #12058
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 32:1-33:56
Praise Journal Entry #12019: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for family! Our families are such a blessing to us. And I know that You love those who have no family. Whoever knows You is never alone, no matter what the situation. Father, thank You for the simple blessings that You supply. You are so kind! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 28:2

2: Before the women had arrived these things had already taken place. The earthquake may not have extended very far, but it was apparently quite intense at that place. The angel which here descended was not sent to bring Jesus to life, or to rescue him from the sealed tomb. He had already risen. The angel was to report the facts of the case to humanity, and to grant easy access to the evidence inside the tomb.

Personal Journal Entry #12057
Prayer Journal Entry #12057
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 30:1-31:54
Praise Journal Entry #12018: Heavenly Father, Your openness with the gospel is such a glory to You! You have not kept it from the meanest of us. You have made it available to all. You have shown it to the poor, the ignorant, and the troubled. You have had no bias in its spread to all the world. All praise be to You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 28:1

1: The Sabbath would have ended around sunset on Saturday evening. The dawning of the new day was Saturday evening and Sunday morning. It was at this time that these two made their way to the tomb, which they had just been to Friday evening.

Personal Journal Entry #12056
Prayer Journal Entry #12056
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 27:1-29:40
Praise Journal Entry #12017: Heavenly Father, Your grace is amazing. Your love is unbelievable. Your comfort is so sweet. Thank You for taking the time to know our needs and to give us Your Truth. It is amazing to think that the half of Your glory has not yet been told. You are truly wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:65-66

65: The Jews already had several companies of Roman troops at their disposal for the guarding of the temple. Pilate would not spare extra troops for this project, but gave them permission to use the ones they had.
66: So, Pilate expended no effort on this project himself, but the Jewish leaders did as much as they could. Even though it was a Sabbath, they set the watch and sealed the tomb.
The seal was likely some public seal, whether of the Jews or of Pilate. It would be placed in such a way as to prevent the stone from being moved without breaking it.

Personal Journal Entry #12055
Prayer Journal Entry #12055
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 25:1-26:65
Praise Journal Entry #12016: Heavenly Father, You are such a blessing to those dealing with death. For those who have no hope, death seems a finality. For those who trust in You, it is just another step along the way. Heaven must be such a beautiful place. It is great because You are there! You make it all worth while. What little trials we may face here cannot compare to the joy of seeing Your face. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:64

64: The Jewish leaders wanted official sanction to guard the tomb. They wanted witnesses to the fact that they had made it secure. This way they could argue against any who made claims concerning resurrection. They did not want his disciples to somehow gain the advantage with the people that Jesus had secured. They were jealous of his popularity.
The meaning of the last phrase hear is not altogether certain. Likely it was simply a figure of speech alluding to the fact that the common people might be even more persuaded by the resurrection than by the life of Christ. This fear was not unfounded, for the resurrection, and the coming of the Spirit, led to the salvation of many.

Personal Journal Entry #12054
Prayer Journal Entry #12054
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 22:1-24:25
Praise Journal Entry #12015: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gospel. Thank You for revealing it to common people. Thank You for making it available to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Your wisdom is limitless and wonderful. I praise You for Your great plan of Salvation! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:62-63

62: The next day was Saturday, the Sabbath. Thus, on a Sabbath day these men who had such scruples about keeping the Sabbath were quite busy.
63: They remembered Jesus’ words about his resurrection. This is quite ironic. Some have surmised that Judas reported this to them, but that is highly unlikely. They could have only been remembering the words of Christ concerning Jonah, or his statement about the temple. If it is either case, it is such an irony that they who pretended to misunderstand his words at his trial now understood them perfectly. Sadly, they did not believe, no matter how well they understood.

Personal Journal Entry #12053
Prayer Journal Entry #12053
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 19:1-21:35
Praise Journal Entry #12014: Heavenly Father, the Lord, the Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, thank You for making Your Truth known. Though many may not heed it, thank You for making it available. Though we may not obey it as well as we should, thank You for showing it to us. Father, You are so amazing! Your mercy is unbelievable. Your grace is endless. Your love is unconditional. Your justice is so fair. Your righteousness is glorious. Your holiness is complete. You inspire awe. You are the ruler of all, reigning without a hint of weakness or wavering. Your enemies are a joke. They cannot withstand You. They might as well give up. I praise You Father. You have made the way of escape from sin. Oh what joy You have opened to us! I pray all this and praise You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Matthew 27:61

61: Mary Magdalene and the aunt of Jesus both sit nearby. they were there for tow reasons. First, they were morning in silence. Public morning for a criminal thus condemned would be illegal. However, sitting in grief would be allowed. Also, they were there to see how the body was laid and where it was laid, so that they might come back later with their spices and such. Though burial might be allowed on the Sabbath, the application of the ointments would have to wait.

Personal Journal Entry #12052
Prayer Journal Entry #12052
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 16:1-18:32
Praise Journal Entry #12013: Heavenly Father, the Lord God Almighty, I know that You are the Creator of heaven and earth. I know that there is no other God. You alone are worthy of our praise and honor. You alone are to be glorified. Your glory is limitless, and Your praise extends to the ends of this world. Help me to truly see and understand the importance of praising You with my whole heart. Help me to keep my heart in tune with Your glory. Your praise should pour from our lips like nothing else does. You are the Master of this universe. I will glorify Your name for eternity! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:59-60

59: There have been many conjectures as to how the body was taken from the cross. It really does not matter. In fact, the specific details of methods in connection with the crucifixion are mentioned by the gospel writers only for the purpose of highlighting fulfilled prophecy. Since there is no prophecy concerning a good many things about the details of the crucifixion, these details are not recorded and make little difference in any case. Although the wrapping and subsequent burial of the body likely occurred on the beginning of the Sabbath, Friday evening, there is no difficulty here. It was altogether consistent with Jewish law to go ahead and bury somebody at this time, even if some work was involved.
It was the Jewish custom to wrap the body round and round with clean linen cloth.
60: Two things can be said at the outset. First, this was a new tomb, which means that nobody had been previously laid there. Secondly, as is stated, Joseph laid Jesus in his own tomb. Many have argued with this, but it seems plain from the text. Indeed, although some have suggested that Joseph had it hewn out specifically for Jesus, this seems unlikely for someone who was a secret believer. It would be a great sign of respect to lay someone in his own tomb.
The stone would have been a giant disc several feet in diameter.

Personal Journal Entry #12051
Prayer Journal Entry #12051
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 14:1-15:41
Praise Journal Entry #12012: Heavenly Father, Author of every thing. May we be forever impressed by the things that You have revealed, and keep our minds from what You have not revealed. Your Word is completely perfect and whole. You have given all that one may need for life, both here and there. To You be all the Glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.