Matthew 27:57-58

57: At the evening, which was close to the end of the Jewish day and the beginning of the next, we see yet another amazing part of God’s plan. Two who were secretly disciples of Christ, Joseph and Nicodemus, moved his body to the proper place. Arimathaea was a place not too far from Jerusalem, and Joseph was a man not only of wealth, but of influence.
58: Pilate would not normally allow the burial of a criminal, especially one convicted of treason. However, Joseph’s influence, combined with Pilate’s own knowledge of the case, convinced him.
Pilate was very surprised to learn that Jesus was already dead. People usually lasted as much as several days on the cross. The soldiers were even then preparing to brake the legs of the criminals so as to hasten their death. For Christ, this was unnecessary.
This was all the fulfillment of prophecy. He was buried by the rich, and not one of his bones was broken.

Personal Journal Entry #12050
Prayer Journal Entry #12050
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 11:1-13:33
Praise Journal Entry #12011: Heavenly Father, Your goodness in spite of our sin is an eternal testimony to Your grace and glory. The working of Your plan is beautiful in every respect. By Your sovereignty You control the particulars of everything. Thank You for the clarity of Your word, and Your Works which are recorded in it. I cannot ever fully grasp the extent of Your glory! You are beyond all that I could ever imagine. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:55-56

55: We do not know exactly how many women were there. The group of them, together or separately, had followed Christ for a while. They were all Galileans and they, likely sensing by his words that he would be leaving them shortly, wanted to minister to him until then. The substance of this ministry was likely the caring for of the basic need of himself and his disciples, so that they might focus on the ministry.
56: Here three of the women are identified. First was Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus had cast seven demons. Her being called Magdalene has either to do with her being from Magdala, or because she was one who plaited women’s hair, which is what the word means. Either way, she was likely only referred to in this way to distinguish her from the others.
Mary, the mother of James and Joses, was the wife of Cleophas, and Jesus’ aunt on his mother’s side.
Salome was the mother of James and John, his disciples. Of course, John was present as well.
Also, Jesus mother Mary was present.

Personal Journal Entry #12049
Prayer Journal Entry #12049
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 8:1-10:36
Praise Journal Entry #12010: Heavenly Father, may we all have the level of devotion that these women had! The faithfulness to Christ here displayed is an example for today. You are worthy of our constant attention. You are wonderful in Your ways, perfect in Your plans, and gracious in Your giving to us. I pray and praise You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Revelation 2:1-7

1: The angels of the individual churches were likely the ministers of each church. God does hold his leaders responsible for communicating his word to the congregation. All who have been entrusted with the word are responsible to spread it. He has written to us. This is for more purpose than just information. He has written for indoctrination and dissemination. We must plant his word into this world.

Ephesus would likely be the foremost among the seven churches. It was a ministry of Paul, Timothy, and even John himself. It would likely be the center of leadership in the church for that region. Jesus thus speaks to this church as the one who is in charge of it all. Though the saints of this church might see themselves as spiritual leaders to the rest, they must remember that all are under Christ and his leadership.
2: Jesus here begins a list of eight positives. He commends them for these eight things. Quite interestingly, three have to do with work. Three have to do with patience. And, two have to do with dealing with sin. What an interesting combination! Faithfulness in their case must be made up of equal percentages of hard work and endurance, with a little bit of watching over their shoulder for danger mixed in!
The reference to their ‘works’ is talking about their ministry activities. They were busy serving the Lord at all times. Their ‘labour’ is a bit more specific. It refers to the manner of this service. It means that they worked hard. They were not afraid to stay busy until they were tired. They could never be called lazy. Patience is then connected with this as well. Even when the work became more difficult on occasion, they kept at it. They did not get overwhelmed, thinking they could never hold up under the load.
The Ephesians were wary of false teachers. They would not support those who taught and did evil things. As a result, they found themselves learning to be good judges of the truth. They tested many false teachers, who claimed to be authoritative. They were adept at finding these persons out for what they really were. They not only refused their teachings, but revealed the perpetrators for the benefit of others, who might be led astray.
3: Though they would not support those who taught false doctrine, they did support those who legitimately needed their help. They worked for that which was worthy; and, they did it patiently. They patiently worked for the right purposes in spite of hardships as a result of false doctrine, persecution, and afflictions of various kinds.
Their work was also not misplaced. They were not building bridges to nowhere. they were successfully doing the work of the ministry. They were advancing the name and kingdom of Christ. In this they had continued without admitting the weakness that sin so easily causes. They had realized that their strength comes from Christ alone.
4: A danger had recently sprung up in the Ephesian church. It is one that has had many congregations in its clutches down through the centuries. The Ephesians had become so strong in their convictions, that they had lost sight of the Beginning and Source of their faith. It seems undeniable that Christ himself was their first love. Only he should be the ‘first love’ of any congregation. The Ephesians, though strong on the outside, had lost touch with the Person of Christ on the inside. They had, in the past, avoided fainting by leaning on Christ. But, now, out of touch with Christ, they would become dependent upon themselves. They would become a camp, rather than a church. An army of battle-hardened soldiers, rather than Christ-bearing ambassadors. They could shrivel up and die while still thumping their Bibles with all their might.
Though God’s Word is at the center of the faith, it is attached to a Living and Divine Being, not a dead orthodoxy.

5: Christ proscribes three things to this hard-working church. First, they must remember the One that they have left out. They must look back to see the One who has been left behind them. Without this, there was no hope for their ministry. Secondly, they had to repent. Many will call themselves to revival, rededication, new commitments, etc. But, few want to call it repentance. They had to call sin sin and get right with God.
Finally, he told them to return to their old ways. In other words, moving forward is not always the most spiritual thing to do. Moving God-wards is. There are certain things in the Christian life that cannot be left out, no matter how busy, or strong, one might become. Simple devotion to Christ in daily works of praise and communion cannot be replaced by heady ministry goals and fighting false teachings.
They were warned that their candle would be removed quickly if repentance was not forthcoming. Jesus does not play around. He knew that their new problem could take them from being the strongest to being the most stubborn. They would become a bad taste in the mouth of all who knew them. They would be a detriment to the gospel, rather than champions of it.
6: Christ commended their hate of the actions of a particular sect called the Nicolaitans. The specific beliefs or practices of this group are obscure. It cannot be said with certainty what they espoused. However, the most likely scenario is that their doctrines were similar to the doctrine of Balaam, which is mentioned just before them later in this same chapter. Thus, it seems that they may have sought to trip the believers up with false teachings concerning fornication and idolatry. This seems likely mainly because such perversions would probably be found in Ephesus. The city was very devoted to the fertility cult of Diana, and was a hotbed of emperor-worship. Both were a source of endless problems for the believers.
7: With a statement that is characteristic of the Lord Jesus, he shows that the Spirit of God is bringing these things to the attention of the churches. The Persons of the Godhead work in tandem. This book of the Revelation is no less authored by the Spirit than by the Son.
He that overcomes clearly refers to those who will enter into eternity. All of these things at the end of the passages to the churches are brought to pass at the end of the book of the Revelation, which is at the beginning of eternity future.
The original garden, which man fell from, will be, in some form, found in heaven. It is the same tree, of which we have been forbidden to eat because of sin. This will be the eternal blessing of those who enter into life with Christ. Truly, this is paradise regained.

Personal Journal Entry #12048
Prayer Journal Entry #12048
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 7:1-89
Praise Journal Entry #12009: Heavenly Father, Your faithfulness is wonderful. You have worked with mankind for all of these years in a gracious manner. What a testimony to Your patient goodness! May Your name be praised from one end of this globe to the other. People must recognize Your glory. I must sing Your praises. To You be all the Glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:54

54: The events surrounding Jesus’ death had a great influence in the superstitious minds of the soldiers. Like Pilate, they came to the realization that this man was completely innocent. This is likely all that is meant by their exclamation. Being Romans, they likely thought he was a son of the Jewish God. The full significance of this would not be realized or believed by them. However, it must be said that this is a good starting point for faith, and there is a great likelihood that one or more of the soldiers did ultimately come to Christ in salvation.
It is amazing that the ungodly Romans could see that Jesus was innocent, and yet many of God’s chosen people did not.

Personal Journal Entry #12047
Prayer Journal Entry #12047
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 5:1-6:27
Praise Journal Entry #12008: Heavenly Father, help me to be sensitive to the great things that You do every day. Your works are wonderful, and You are busy with them even now. Your Spirit even now works in the hearts of those who are hearing about You for the very first time. I praise You for Your influence in our lives. You make life worth living, Father. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:52-53

52-53: Only Matthew records this event. Matthew was very Jewish in his presentation of the gospel, which explains why he would report this incident. Such a resurrection would be a token of the coming harvest, which was required for the Feast of First-fruits. Jesus was of course, the First-fruits. But, this small group would be a token of the resurrection now brought about by his death and resurrection.
It must be noted that these persons did not rise until after he rose, as is stated quite clearly here. The graves were busted at the time of the earthquake at this death, but the resurrections did not take place until after he rose. It seems that their appearance in the ‘holy city’ is a reference to Jerusalem.
Furthermore, it must be said that nobody can be certain who these persons were. Therefore, trying to guess would be only conjecture and unverifiable. The point of the passage is not who rose, but that this is done by the power of Christ’s resurrection.

Personal Journal Entry #12046
Prayer Journal Entry #12046
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 3:1-4:49
Praise Journal Entry #12008: Heavenly Father, King of all creation, thank You for Your care for us. Your victory over evil is so clear and complete. You are not worried or scared, nor have You ever been. By your plan we can have the victory over death, hell, and the grave. Help me to carry my thanks beyond my heart to my lips. Help me to tell others of Your great plan of salvation for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

Matthew 27:51

51: The rending of the veil in the temple has obvious significance. Only God could have ripped this gigantic curtain, especially from top to bottom. It, as well as the attendant earthquake, shows us that the law had been fulfilled, and that the age of grace had begun. No more would people be asked to meet God in a temple. Now God must be met one on one, in Spirit and in Truth.

Personal Journal Entry #12045
Prayer Journal Entry #12045
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 1:1-2:34
Praise Journal Entry #12007: Heavenly Father, we can never truly understand Your grace in allowing access to You by Your Son. We will never appreciate it enough. But, Father, I will try to appreciate it. Thank You for what You have done. thank You for justification by Jesus Christ. Mankind starts looking for justification at an early age, but we look in all of the wrong places. I praise You for the fact that it can be found in You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:47-50

47: Some of those who were observing at this point were apparently easily confused. Not hearing Jesus correctly, they assumed that ‘Eli’ was a reference to Elijah. The Jews thought that Elijah never died, and that he came to earth sometimes to help rabbis that were in trouble. They may have thought that this was what Jesus had in mind.
48: There was a barrel of vinegar not too far away. Jesus had also, at this time, said ‘I thirst’, so this came in response to that. Unlike the first time, this was just the vinegar, and Jesus did drink some of this non-spiked liquid.
49: It is not clear exactly who makes this statement, but it was likely those who mocked him earlier.
50: This final cry is when he says, ‘It is finished’, and ‘Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit’. The phrase ‘yielded up the ghost’ can be a figure of speech indicating that a person died. However, this phrase, coupled with his last words, shows that Jesus gave his life. In other words, he chose to die at this point. His life was not taken, it was given.

Personal Journal Entry #12044
Prayer Journal Entry #12044
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 26:1-27:34
Praise Journal Entry #12006: Infinitely Wise Heavenly Father, thank You for this passage of Your Holy Word. It is such a blessing to know that Jesus willingly gave His life for us. It is great to know that His obedience to You was complete. It is great to know that Salvation is a finished work. The Blessed Hope is a huge motivator for me. I love You and Your plan for all of mankind. Father, You way is perfect. I praise You and pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Matthew 27:46

46: Three in the afternoon would have been the approximate time of the offering of the Passover sacrifice. Jesus words, following three hours of silence, come straight from the first verse of Psalm 22. Jesus responded to the judgement of God with scripture.
It was during these three hours of darkness and silence that he seems to have suffered the most. It was apparently at this time that he was made sin for us. In this state, God would not look upon him. One who had been in complete fellowship with the Father for all of eternity was separated from him for three hours. It is impossible for us, as humans only, to fathom what Christ went through at this time.

Personal Journal Entry #12043
Prayer Journal Entry #12043
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 24:1-25:55
Praise Journal Entry #12005: Lord God Almighty, my Wonderful Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your greatness and graciousness. Your love for us is amazing. That You would go through with Your plan for redemption is the most wonderful illustration of love that could ever be. Your act in this defines love, grace, and mercy. Lord Jesus, Your willingness to do all that the Father had planned is a great blessing to us all. If only our lives can reflect that blessing, Your love for us, back to You! Oh God, You are, in all of Your glory, so wonderful to me! You have made a way for us to come to You by Christ. For this I am eternally grateful. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Matthew 27:45

45: From noon to 3 in the afternoon that entire region was covered in darkness. It is not clear how large of a region was darkened. However, two things must be noted about this darkness. First, the time of year at which it happened cannot have been the time for an eclipse of the sun by the moon. Second, the fact that a certain region was darkened, and not everywhere that the sun was then shining, is not explainable by science.
The only explanation for this darkness is the hand of God.

Personal Journal Entry #12042
Prayer Journal Entry #12042
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 22:1-23:44
Praise Journal Entry #12004: Almighty God, my Father, and the Creator of this place we call Earth, thank You for another day to serve You. Your Word and Spirit bring such joy to my heart, I must praise you for it! Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Your ways are good. Father, thank You for sending Christ to make a way of Salvation for us. I cannot praise you enough for that. Help me every day to live in tune with Your Eternal nature, instead of the temporal things of this life. I praise You and pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Matthew 27:43-44

43: The parallel between this statement of the Jewish leaders and Psalm 22:8 is uncanny. It only makes sense that the self-righteous Jews would say something like this. They would have no trouble saying something so close to what was found in Psalm 22, even if they realized the similarities. Orthodox Jews even today will do strange things to avoid the association of Jesus with the fulfillment of prophecy. Their eyes are blinded to the truth.
44: This verse has been the cause of much confusion. It is plainly recorded by Luke that one of the thieves railed on him, whereas the other spoke of his innocence and asked to be remembered. Many have said that the one thief simply had a change of heart. However, this interpretation is difficult to imagine given the thief’s words in Luke. It is better to see this as a case of synecdoche, the use of the whole for part in this situation.
This figure of speech is used elsewhere in scripture, and flows well into the figure of speech at the end of the verse. To say that they cast something into his teeth simply means that they mocked him in a similar fashion.
Matthew and Mark both say that both of the thieves did so. They were not present for the crucifixion. John, who was standing right there, says nothing about it. Luke, who has a reputation for getting at the details, records that only one of the thieves mocked Christ. Thus, it is best to see the words of Matthew and Mark as synecdoche in this instance.

Personal Journal Entry #12041
Prayer Journal Entry #12041
Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 19:1-21:24
Praise Journal Entry #12003: Gracious and Holy Heavenly Father, Lord of all, thank You for life. It is great to be given the opportunity to choose to worship You. All of us should sing your praises. Help me, unworthy though I am, to give You the praise You deserve. Your great love for all of mankind is a flame that will never be put out. Your plan for the redemption of man is brilliant and awesome! How can we respond with anything but hearts full of love for You! God, You are the center of our existence, the most important person in our lives. I praise You and ask You to fill my mouth with Your praises. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.